Thursday, September 15, 2016

Seeking Non-Dual

Siddhananda: A linga! (showing a black linga stone).

G: Linga! (smiling)

Siddhananda: (Smiling). (pausing with closed eyes). Okay, there is some circular energy in this stone (gesturing with circling finger).

G: hmm hmm. Some kundalini going. 

Siddhananda: Yes. (pause). I'm kind of.. (gesturing a circular motion)

G: Yes. That's what it does (laughing). (gesturing with circling finger).

Siddhananda: It definitely does that. That's happening here. (laughing).

G: So, their kundalini is quite active. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause). I do see an image of one in the lotus position amongst that.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: So, "knowledge", they're saying.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: "Knowledge".. They want to just do non-dual, (bringing both palms together).

G: They want to cut through. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. Like how those two come together (bringing palms together).

G: Yeah, they need to come together. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. That's what it's feeling like.

G: So, I would say for this one, both COS and Kali. 

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: That can bring the expansion and the cutting, both.

Siddhananda: They are feeling it already (laughing).

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: They are feeling it already and are very grateful. So (hand on heart).

G: Thank you (hand on heart).