Monday, September 19, 2016

Searching for mind

Siddhananda: (Showing a small yellow translucent stone) Okay, i see that little stone, yellow right.

G: Yep.

Siddhananda: Yeah, yellow, little thing there. It's got a nice white circular aura around it.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: And, (long pause) Okay, they're saying they misplaced their mind somewhere. They can't find their mind.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) It's like you misplace your hat or something.

G: I just left it somewhere. I don't know where i left it.

Siddhananda: Looking for it again, this energy can't find his mind, his/her.

G: Well, that could be a good thing and not a good thing. It depends on which way it is. So, we'll find out a little bit more on this. (laughing)

Siddhananda: He's saying, i must have left it somewhere. (laughing) He can't remember.

G: Maybe like the guy who left his heart in San Francisco.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: I don't know (laughing)

Siddhananda: Let's see if it's a good thing.

G: Maybe he left his mind in Cucamonga or something.

Siddhananda: There you go!

G: I don't know.

Siddhananda: There you go. Who knows where.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: (pause) They're saying it is and isn't a good thing. They feel a little (moving body circles to indicate being disorientated). what's happening here!

G: A little.

Siddhananda: And, they are looking for that mind.

G: Why would you want the mind back?

Spirit: Because i know it. I know what it is.

G: Yeah, because you know it. Okay. Well, if you actually knew it, you know it's just full of illusion.

Siddhananda: Maybe they want something more familiar.

G: So Why would you want illusion back?

Spirit: It's just isn't it. i just felt like it was what i am.

G: Aha.

Spirit: [The mind] told me who i am and what was right and wrong and who i wasn't. I don't know myself without it.

G: Yeah. So, again, you can question, "what is this I?" (pause) Don't be so quick to take back mind. (pause) with attachment to form and of these other things that you have done and think that it's you. It's not you. So, you have a very good opportunity to now question what is this I?

Spirit: What is this I?

G: Aha. Find out what you are and more importantly what you're not.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay. So, they're going to stay with that right now.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Thank you (hand on heart center).

G: Namaste (gesturing namaste) So, you may come back if you wish. I'm not going to put him over here to process. He can be where ever he wishes and if you want to come back and give us a progress report, we would be happy to hear it.

Siddhananda: Sounds good.

G: Thank you.

Siddhananda: Spend time on that instead of looking for the mind.

G: I left my mind in Cucamonga. (laughing)

Siddhananda: I'm seeking, trying to find it everywhere. I'm looking under the bed, i'm looking. (laughing).

G: Leave that thing alone (referring to the mind).

Siddhananda: Really, really.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: Take it back, you got the whole business back. So, everything that comes with it.

G: I'm sure there's a lot of people on this path that wish that they could lose the thing.

Siddhananda: Really, really.


  1. Namaste - would be great to lose the mind! Interesting they wanted it back...

  2. Namaste, it was a scary experience here when the mind paused. It was a feeling of if the mind is gone...I can't breath either :-) But yes it would be great to loose it totally. Liza.
