Friday, September 30, 2016

Three-Leaf Clover

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, so that rock looks a little bit… no, it looks very clear in my mind as well. I see a little something in it as we approach it and zoom in. It looks like a clover. It looks like a three-leaf clover. I’ve never found a four-leaf, have you?

G: No, they are not very often that you find those.

Siddhananda: Boy, I looked. I used to go to a school called Clover Valley and all in the valley was clovers. And we would look all day for four-leaf clovers. Sometimes we’d tear one of the leaves in half.

G: And try to make it look… (laughing)

Siddhananda: Try to fake it! It didn’t go over. And then we made necklaces of the little flowers.

G: Oh, I remember making the little daisy chains and stuff.

Siddhananda: Right, when we went in and the teachers got so mad we had those on. They’d take them right off of us.

G: Oh yeah, they’d make you take them off.

Siddhananda: Yeah. It wasn’t fun.

G: They weren’t fun. They wouldn’t let us have any fun.

Siddhananda: No, that’s no fun.

G: No.

Siddhananda: But, I do see a little clover, so maybe it feels like an Irish energy.

G: Oh, okay.

Siddhananda: I do see a bit of the Irish green.

G: A little bit of the Irish.

Siddhananda: A little bit of the Irish, which we haven’t had here before. Although we do have somebody on the path who is Irish.

G: We do.

Siddhananda: So, I do feel Ireland there, though I’ve never been there. I do feel a lot of green, lush hills. It’s just a very green feeling and a wonderful feeling actually with their nature there. It’s awesome. (pause) Okay. So, I’m seeing a heart reflected in it, then a three-leaf clover in that.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: So, let’s see what the message might be. And what’s the little Irish fellow that you see in St. Patrick’s Day?

G: Little leprechauns?

Siddhananda: Little leprechauns! I see a little leprechaun there, too. I do see someone with a mug of beer. Taverns, I’m feeling. Tavern energies. So far, it was green. It was lush. Now, we’re in the tavern.

G: Now, we’re in the tavern. Okay.

Siddhananda: (laughing) What a lead in! So, they are there with a frothy beer. They are doing a lot of cheering with the beer and the froth and the goings on that go on in taverns.

G: Not our usual clientele. (laughing)

Siddhananda: They have a little red tone to their skin, which Irish sometimes can, but…

G: Especially when they are doing a lot of imbibing.

Siddhananda: I was going to say, I would say the imbibing brings a little rosy cheeks, too.

G: A little rosy. Rosy nose.

Siddhananda: Rosy nose and cheeks! So, let’s see what questions they might have. So they lived that way, doing a lot of social partying and drinking and gathering. It feels like a male energy. (pause) They feel lost now. They just feel drifting and I do still see beer. I don’t know if they still got some of that in them, maybe some toxicity. I don’t know. They’ve got that beer. That’s not good. Okay, let’s see what they desire from us.

G: Yeah, let’s see what they want. Let’s see what they are looking for.

Siddhananda: Exactly! (pause) They are saying they desire to be of good cheer.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They desire to be social more. But, they want to continue with this… I see the beer mugs clashing together.

G: Yeah, it doesn’t sound like somebody that really wants to make progress. They just want to continue and go back into another form.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they are saying, “No challenges.”

G: Yeah, they just want to continue where they are at.

Siddhananda: Why they are here, I don’t know.

G: Yeah, so, again, they might just want to go to the guides and masters, whatever, and just ask for another birth. That’s all. I mean, just get ready for another birth, because they just want to get pulled into another birth and continue where they left off.

Siddhananda: See if they want to learn anything.

G: It doesn’t sound like they want to.

Siddhananda: They want to climb. There are some stairs. They want to climb a little higher, but I don’t see them letting go of this social thing.

G: Yeah, no, they are not really here for spiritual. That’s not their number one thing.

Siddhananda: Exactly.

G: It’s like whatever they come into. So, just ask for a rebirth where you can move forward in some direction.

Siddhananda: There you go. I think that’s the best thing for this soul. I do see the little leprechaun and the three-leaf clover is being projected. Okay, three-leafed clover. (moving the rock over to the side) Oops, should I put that there?

G: Yeah, that’s fine.

Siddhananda: Oh, you’ve got them in in the right spot there?

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Okay, yeah, so maybe they just got to keep looking for that four-leaf clover. I don’t know. (laughing) I tell you!


  1. Namaste, interesting. Thank you. Four leaf clover it is I guess. Omm. Liza

  2. Namaste, looks like an assessment of what the seeker is interested in at this time, and even at that, some advice is given to him, thank you for posting
