Saturday, April 30, 2016

Zero Point

Siddhananda: (Showing a dark linga) I see this lingam in my mind and I see a gentle aura around it when I shut my eyes.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: I see that exact same linga with an aura around it.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: With a flower on it... (pause) I see a little crack in that linga.

G: Yeah, he is pouring a lot of love energy into it, and it is starting to open. That's good.

Siddhananda: Yeah, there is a crack and a flower coming. Really a cool feeling with the flower coming from that crack.

G: Nice!

Siddhananda: It really is a nice image.

G: Hmm hmm. And that life does come from that zero-point. That comes from that, that Truth comes from that, that purity comes from that (gesturing things emanating from one point), the wisdom of that purity. Everything comes from that zero-point, that's the ground of being, actually.

Siddhananda: Exactly! And that's it. (smiling)

G: Yeah. I can see exactly what he's giving that image for. 

Siddhananda: It feels like that's all that he wanted to [say].

G: Right. He's not asking for anything. He doesn't need anything. He wanted to share that, that everything comes from that zero-point balance, that beauty of manifestation, it all comes from that. It's got to be rooted there. And it doesn't take anything away from the rest of it.  

Siddhananda: (Nodding) You said it perfectly! That's exactly, exactly what it is. Okay, Very nice! (gesturing namaste)

G: Thank you for sharing that, that's a beautiful message (gesturing namaste). (smiling).

Siddhananda: We'll take that! (smiling).

G: We'll take that. Yeah, the symbology is so [rich]... It's funny because you don't need words to convey that message. That symbology, if you understand that, is absolutely so rich and pregnant with meaning. 

Siddhananda: That's in an instant, that's in a flash. There's the image and it says it all.

G: It says it all. It's immediately there (snapping fingers). It's like that thing of knowing, it's just known and it's an immediate thing. It's not something that one sits and thinks and builds upon "this means this means this means this." It's an immediate knowing. It comes into consciousness in its fullness. 

Siddhananda: Exactly. Right. No debating, no discussion or any doubt, there it is.

G: Exactly. 

Siddhananda: Really nice. Simple!

G: Simple. Such an easier way to communicate! Words are sooo ugh! Words are sometimes such a pain because people can take words and skew it for this or that and not really get the full message. So, sometimes I think the image is more, in a way, concrete as to what's being said.

Siddhananda: Well, that's what's interesting now with some of this happening here is sometimes I see a flash of an image and that's the whole thing I get with that person, like some growth of some flower and I just get a flash of different things, but, that's it. I just think it's interesting that I get the imagery versus words.

G: Yeah, you get the imagery, and then you can feel exactly what that imagery is conveying because of the vibration and energy of that person that's sending that image. So, all of that together make up that whole message. One's just immediately in contact with that energy and that vibration. There's no time and space for that, it's an immediate connection. Same with [where] you have students and they have a connection with the Guru and that Guru holds the energy in place for them. There's no time and space in that. And if there's that connection then that energy transfer is always taking place.

Siddhananda: No matter where they're at and what they're doing. In that way it is similar to the way things are being conveyed.

G: Yeah, it's all on an energetic level that the things are being conveyed. 

Siddhananda: Hundred percent energy, and it's a different thing from just sitting down and having tea with someone and talking.

G: Right, we're not having the dumbing down of words. 

Siddhananda: Yeah! (smiling). You always say it so well!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Fires of Purification

Siddhananda: We've got two lingas coming up.

G: What! (smiling)

Siddhananda: (Smiling) Here's the one (showing a linga stone) (pause) So, this person is inside a cave with the linga.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: That energy is being reflected, and there is that depth of that cave, that dark [interior], [that] feeling of being shielded from the world.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It's cool in there.

G: Are they still in form?

Siddhananda: No.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: But, they are in there. That's where they are in their heart and mind.

G: Okay. So, what can we help them with?

Siddhananda: (inaudible). i guess they just want that fire more. i'm just seeing a fire.

G: hmm hmm.

Spirit: Want to destroy any lingering me and mind energy.

G: hmm hmm. i would say the Kali mantras, for sure. 

Siddhananda: (pause)

G: "Burn in the fires of purification, swaha!" (smiling)

Siddhananda: Right, swaha. The offering is you, that ego, yeah.

G: Exactly. He is that offering. So, he needs to understand he is the offering. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, be careful, you never know what you're asking for (laughing)!

G: Exactly. 

Siddhananda: (pause) It is coming into him now and he's accepting of it.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: i see a little bit more light coming in. It also is rich and dark, for the most part.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: Okay (nodding), he has the mantras.

G: Yeah, so he'll be good with that. We'll leave him with them. Does he want to stay in the crystal cave here or go? Up to him. He is already in a cave. 

Siddhananda: He's saying he's okay where he is right now. Thank you for that.

G: Okay. Thank you for coming (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: Namaste.

G: Yeah, he is in his own crystal cave there (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) Yeah, he's in his own cave.

G: Got his own cave. 

Siddhananda: Have cave, will travel! (laughing)

G: Have cave, will travel. (laughing).

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Message of Love

Siddhananda: Next (showing a transparent yellow stone) So, let's see what's this one. (pause) i am hearing some poetry.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Sounds like they just want to share a message of love.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: We've got some dove poetry again, which is always very nice.

G: Okay (smiling).

Siddhananda: It sounds very similar [to] holy spirit [energy].

G: Yeah, holy spirit energy. 

Siddhananda: [i'm] seeing those doves and that Light and Christ.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: "It's all God," they just want to say. So, (smiling).

G: Okay, thank you for that message. (gesturing namaste).

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

You rock, rock!

Siddhananda: (Showing a small yellow heart stone) (pausing with closed eyes) Either they're feeling like a rock or they are a rock.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: They are a rock (confirming).

G: They are a rock. You rock, rock! (smiling)

Siddhananda: Yeah! because they're saying that maybe it's a good thing.

G: Yeah, it's not a bad thing. 

Siddhananda: No, they're not wanting to change that. They like being a rock (smiling).

G: Yeah, they've got a lot of longevity with that form. It's slow and it's long (laughing).

Siddhananda: (Laughing) It is, but they are planted in a nice way.

G: Yeah, they can watch the universe go by. They can watch history. They can watch all the drama. Absolutely!

Siddhananda: People sit on them, or they come and they go. They're there as a witness.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: They just want to say this is fine, it is good to be in this form (laughing).

G: Yeah, everything has consciousness. The Universe has consciousness. It all has consciousness. So, yeah.

Siddhananda: Yeah, that rocks. I've got some special rocks myself.

G: There are some very special rocks, and we've got some of the stones in service. Now, there is an another rock. You rock, rock! (laughing)

Siddhananda: You rock, rock, for sure! (smiling) (pause) And I see the rock energy. They have no questions. They're just wanting to say that.

G: Yeah, [they just want to] share that that everything has consciousness, and the rocks have consciousness. Exactly.

Siddhananda: And these different forms are not anything to say higher or lower, they're just there.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: They're present, and sometimes very much more so.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: They're saying they know that mind stuff that people walk by with, they sit on them...

G: Right, and they don't want it [the mind stuff].

Siddhananda: They don't want anything to do with that. So, there's no way something's higher or lower, because these rocks and different things are very cleared out of all that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Anyway, good. (smiling).

G: So, thank you for coming and sharing that message. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Thank you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

No Name

Siddhananda: (Showing a small green heart stone) So, we've got our next one.

G: Okay.

Spirit: I don't know my name.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: (pause) Let me see what they exactly mean by that, because I am hearing "Jack." I don't know what that's about.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: [They're saying they don't know] their real name, their spirit name.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They would like a spirit name.

G: They want a spirit name?

Siddhananda: Yeah. (nodding)

G: Okay, go to the zero-point balance (smiling).

Siddhananda: Zero-point balance? Is that what you're saying?

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Nice! (smiling). Yeah, they want to get rid of Jack (laughing).

G: Yeah, Jack needs to go if they walk into that door of what is God directly. There is no Jack, there never has been a Jack. 

Siddhananda: Well, exactly! And that's what they were wanting.

G: Jack is just one of the ones played out. Let him open the veil to see there have been many, many, many, many more. 

Siddhananda: Not just Jack.

G: Not just Jack. So I ask that veil be lifted so that he can see that there are multitude of different personas, experiences, names and forms.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I am seeing a little more of the Cosmos coming in and more of the broader scope of things than just this one time and place.

G: Yeah, wasn't just this one time and place. If he opens, especially on the other side, he can [see] that all of those are going on simultaneously, numerous experiences and names and forms. 

Siddhananda: (pause) I'm seeing a matrix, there are interwoven things...

G: Hmm hmm, right.

Siddhananda: He is seeing that, he is coming into that. He's been really stuck on this "Jack" [experience].

G: Yeah, he's been stuck on the "Jack" one, but, there are multitude, multitude, multitude unending experiences and lives and names and forms, and yet at the very center of it [is] no form. 

Siddhananda: (nodding) That struck him because I'm now seeing an image of a linga.

G: Hmm hmm. So, now we go back. Now that you've seen the reality that there are numerous forms going on, all at the same time, same space, different names, different faces, different forms, now we go to the heart of those and see what's there, that zero-point balance. Beyond all the forms, names and identifications. One singular essence. The Light beyond lights of all the forms. Go to that singular light. 

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, he's really faded out. I don't feel Jack anymore (laughing). (pause) I wonder if we should keep this one here or let them on their own now.

G: Yeah, he needs to go up on the top shelf, in the void. He needs to be with the ones in the void. 

Siddhananda: The first shelf?

G: Yeah, in the void. He's in the void. 

Siddhananda: (placing the stone on the void shelf)

G: Express! (laughing)

Siddhananda: Zero-point balance. Came with that name and there he went.

G: There he went! He had the express train. (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) "I want to get rid of Jack," he was saying.

G: Well, he got rid of Jack, alright!

Siddhananda: And all the rest of it, too.

G: And all the rest of it at once (laughing).

Siddhananda: Jack, Jill, the whole business! (smiling)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Cleansing Toxins

Siddhananda: Alright, so next. (pausing with closed eyes). They are having a dreadful time of it, I'm hearing. (smiling)

G: (smiling)

Siddhananda: Dreadful.

G: Dreadful! (speaking in a teasing way) 

Siddhananda: (laughing)

G: Horrid! (smiling)

Siddhananda: (smiling) Alright, so why is it so dreadful? Let's see.

G: Yeah, what's going on that's so dreadful?

Spirit: Toxic.

G: Toxic? In what way, what is toxic?

Spirit: Took something toxic.

G: Oh okay. Did they commit suicide or what?

Siddhananda: "No," they're saying.

G: Then, what happened?

Siddhananda: They have tried to, before.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: They didn't die that way, [though]. Let's see... toxic... some kind of drugs.

G: Ohhh, drugs!

Siddhananda: Yes, they did drugs.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: So, feeling toxic, sick.

G: Yeah, and it's going to take a while to get out of the energetic field. It's going to take a while for that to right itself out of the energetic field. But, we can ask for the Guides and the Masters to come and aid with that, to help change that energetic field, to get it more in balance. 

Siddhananda: (long pause) Yeah, definitely shifting.

G: Hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: There's a circle of light around this energy and it's feeling light. I do still feel that there, but...

G: It will take a little while to get that cleansed out. This is why you don't do the drugs. It really does affect you on an energetic level. And it is toxic! People want to get out of their problems and do these drugs and stuff as a way to not have to deal with it and numb themselves, etc. But, when you come out, you still feel that numbness and toxicity. 

Siddhananda: That's what they're afraid of, underneath it all. (smiling)

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Toxicity of what they've been covering [up with drugs].

G: Right. So, let's sit with that and be willing to open in this moment and look and see what's under there, so that they can release it and not hold on to that.

Siddhananda: They're sitting with that, with what's underneath it.

G: Yeah, what was it that they didn't want to experience, or what was it that they were trying to run away from?

Siddhananda: I'm hearing something with death. It looks like someone may have died, something happened that they covered.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It sounds like it's been [for] quite a while [that] they've had this pattern of these chemicals and things.

G: Right, right. So, they need to see that nothing dies. 

Siddhananda: (pause) And in this murkiness, I do see a white lotus behind there.

G: Hmm hmm, a little light of that. 

Siddhananda: So, they're understanding of what you're saying.

G: Right, that there is no death. You took yourself out of that life, and it was not beneficial.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they do know now it wasn't [beneficial], and they very much want to be cleaned out, cleared out. They want that lotus to have all the mud off of it.

G: Yeah. I would say do the "OM THAT I AM" and the "I AM THAT I AM," and let the rivers of living waters come and wash through them  (gesturing flowing waters) and clear that, and help to wash that out. 

Siddhananda: Okay, that is taking place, I can feel that.

G: Yeah, he is the rivers of living waters (gesturing flowing waters).

Siddhananda: Yeah! Let them get this started now and then when they come back in form, it will be whole...

G: Then they'll be ready to go forward and learn that lesson "no more chemicals."

G and Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste)

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Right the Scales

Siddhananda: Okay, next (showing a transparent stone). (pause) i see a body with mud all over them.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: But, they're putting mud on..

G: Yeah, and for what reason are they putting mud on?

Siddhananda: (Smiling) (pause) They just feel like they're dirty.

G: Yeah, they're not worthy? That's what i got immediately. They're not worthy, why?

Spirit: i'm bad, i'm bad.

G: Aha. What have you done that is so bad?

Spirit: i was being cruel to others.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: They're saying "yes", [they did that] to a point where it hurt their heart, that they're bad, that they're ugly.

G: hmm hmm. Okay. So, you can ask to have another birth and make up for that. To ask for that balance, balance the scales. 

Spirit: But, that will be hard!

G: Yeah, it's gonna be hard. It's not going to be easy. 

Spirit: I'm scared.

G: hmm?

Siddhananda: "I'm scared", they're saying. (smiling)

G: Yeah, there's nothing to fear, it's another life experience. You get a chance to right the scales. Would you rather be living with that feeling of being dirty or would you rather right the scales?

Siddhananda: I'm seeing an image of scales being balanced.

G: Right, right. Otherwise, you can live in that for eternity, with that type of feeling that you have now. I think it would be better to proceed. It's up to you. (laughing)

Siddhananda: Right. That would be the choices!

G: (smiling) It's your choice. 

Siddhananda: (pause) I'm seeing the scales being balanced. They're saying that's where they want to go.

G: Right, so, just ask for that rebirth to balance those scales, and for the strength to do that, the strength and wisdom to put you in a place where that can be done and followed through. When you come into that life, ask for a place where you can come with the wisdom and the strength to do that. 

Siddhananda: They are starting to do that. i am seeing that mud, but, the heart is starting to resonate some light.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: It has some light shafts around it. So, it's a different feeling. They have work to do, what can we say, but they're not putting it on themselves.

G: Right. Ask them to do the 'I AM THAT I AM' and the 'OM THAT I AM', and find that Truth within their heart of being rather than this egotistical [thing] that makes them have that selfish drama.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, that's flowing in and it definitely is shifting things.

G: Yeah, because they need to soften if they are going to get out of that pattern and come in to right the scales. 

Siddhananda: For sure (nodding)

G: If they do it from the point of Love, they will have much less problem.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. And a good way out.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: (pause) The energy is very different [now], the practices are there for them. That's a good start for them.

G: Okay. So, he can prepare for rebirth. That'll give a good preparation for that. 

Siddhananda: (pause) They are. i can see those scales balanced (smiling).

G: Okay, thank you for coming (gesturing namaste). 

Siddhananda: Oh boy!

G: He's got some reparations to do (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah, and putting it on yourself too, you make it worse.

G: Yeah, you make it worse. When you come out of the form, you can see what you've done and you feel what the pain is, and you can choose to go back in the body and experience it so that you understand what it is. But, sometimes, you find out how really painful it is. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. At least, he's going to go in consciously willing..

G: Yeah, and he can wake his pity party a little and see it. If you can see it consciously then you can question it, then you can get to the bottom of it and release it. If you don't see it, then it's just a poor me pity party. 

Siddhananda: Right, it plays out in a whole different way, follows a different avenue once you're conscious of it, so they're waking up to it.

G: Right, it gets an opening for you to question it deeply as to what is there versus the spin that you've got on it, and then it can be released and move beyond, for sure. 

Siddhananda: Right, perfect!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

In Stillness

Siddhananda: (long pause) I'm not getting too much, maybe it's just a quiet [energy].

G: Yeah, maybe all they needed was come into the space. 

Siddhananda: That's what it's feeling like. So, they're saying they don't have any questions now, they are feeling quite well.

G: Okay, so we'll put them by the cave and they can go in there and rest as long as they want. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, they're saying that sounds good.

G: Yeah, they just want to hang out in the vibration for awhile (laughing). Not a problem. 

Siddhananda: (Placing the stone in the crystal cave).

Friday, April 22, 2016


Siddhananda: (Showing a transparent heart stone and pausing with closed eyes) [i'm hearing] "stranded on an island" (smiling)

G: Sounds like me! (laughing) (referring to being in a hot room with ac turned off)

Siddhananda: (laughing) They're idling in their mind.

G: Exactly, they've got themselves in a self-imposed exile, and why would they do that? (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) 'I am a rock, I am an island'.. (singing a popular song)

G: (laughing and singing) 'and rock feels no pain, and an island never cries', except for when it's raining. (laughing)

Siddhananda: There you go (laughing), and it does rain, rain comes on those islands. So, let's see what this island has to say.. (pause) "stranded here, separate from all."

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: "Feeling all alone and lonely."

G: hmm hmm, oh pity party!

Siddhananda: They are crying.

G: Yeah, they got a pity party going, okay. And so, why are they stranded there?

Siddhananda: (pause) They're feeling like everything and everyone left them. They're there and everyone left them.

G: hmm hmm. Okay, they left them physically? Or, is this a mental thing that everyone left and he's in a self-imposed island?

Siddhananda: (pause) i'm hearing "mom, dad left me"

G: Oh okay, abandoned. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, they've been abandoned.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: (pause) They're saying this happened on the physical plane.

G: Yeah, that they were abandoned. Does he see that he is no longer on the physical plane?

Siddhananda: (pause) All i'm hearing is that "i'm stuck here".

G: Oh, that he's stuck there. Okay. So, what we've gotten is a ghost spirit. We've gotten somebody that is still attached to the physical plane. 

Siddhananda: Well, it's more in his mind.

G: Okay, so, he's off the physical plane. Because we've had someone [before] that was stuck in the physical plane.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So, he's not on the physical plane, he's off of it. 

Siddhananda: Right, he is out of it. Sounds like he's just replaying things. (pause). He's saying "yes". It's that replaying of things.

G: Okay, that could have been an experience that you had while in form and there's something you could learn from that experience, not to abandon others, and see the pain that's caused with that. 

Siddhananda: He's just wailing, "they did that, they left me".

G: Ask him to look in his other lives and see if he's abandoned somebody in some way, shape or form in another life. Doesn't mean just physically, but, did he mentally abandon somebody.

Siddhananda: (pause) He's feeling like he did.

G: Exactly. So, that was a karmic lesson for him to learn what that feels like, So that he learns not to do that again.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he hurt another [person], it was like his girlfriend.

G: Exactly. So, that was a tough lesson.

Siddhananda: He's saying "Oh my gosh! Heavy!"

G: Heavy. So, now that you've seen what it is, you can let go of it. You can ask her spirit for forgiveness and repair that. Just send her the love that you should have given her while you were there. 

Siddhananda: (pause) It is shifting, but, I'm still hearing "I'm stuck here".

G: Well, he won't be stuck there if he actually opens his heart and sends that love to her. 

Siddhananda: I am seeing some hearts going out, he is making that attempt to link.

G: Yeah

Siddhananda: He is more on his knees and opening up.

G: Yeah, and just make a vow now that you will never abandon, that that's not a game you're going to play, that you're done with that. That lesson's been learnt and now you want to move forward. 

Siddhananda: It is feeling better, much calmer.

G: In this case, it is a lesson for him, that he took on to learn. And then you get stuck in it and you forget that you took it on. After a life review, you see and you've taken it on to find out what that is. So, that was his lesson that he took on himself, but he needs to let it go now. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. It's not serving him.

G: It's not serving anything any longer. He's now found that lesson that that's not what you do, you don't abandon. 

Siddhananda: He can now move forward on to other [experiences]

G: Absolutely, one hundred percent he can. So, we ask for the Light of Christ to come in and heal him totally of that. Let him know that he's forgiven, but he needs to learn that lesson to not do that again. (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pause) He is feeling that. That's coming in a different way, the energy is shifting, not like it's all about me and poor me.

G: Right, and he'll get another chance to come back into life where he can play that out, to show that he has gotten that lesson, that he can have a healthy relationship. 

Siddhananda: Sure, and move forward from there.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: And i do see an imagery of him becoming little more devout in himself, honoring that Light and presence. So, it's shifting, it's very nice. (smiling)

G: So, we'll let him continue on with his journey. (smiling)

Siddhananda: Oh, and the COS?

G: He wants COS?

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Okay, he can have the COS. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Grace is Always There

Siddhananda: Okay, last one. Last but not at all least.

G: Last one. And we’re just swimming down the stream of life. (laughing)

Siddhananda: We are. We’re doing all kinds of floating and lighting up and moving. It’s all good today.

G: All sorts of good stuff today.

Siddhananda: Okay, so here we go with our last energy.

Spirit: Please give me the grace to surrender.

G: The grace is always there. All you have to do is open yourself to it and step back.

Siddhananda: Okay, they are connecting with the energy that you said and I feel a transmission going into this energy.

G: Yeah, it’s all they have to do is get themselves out of the way and not block it. That’s it.

Siddhananda: Okay, so they are definitely taking that in. They are getting transmission, which is the bottom line. You can feel it!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Light beyond Lights

Siddhananda: (Showing a transparent stone) Okay, so..

G: On wards (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pause) It's just more of wanting to know God.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: They're saying something about where they came from, let me see.. (pause) Something about coming from a place of peace and good will.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Almost feeling like a light body realm.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: And it felt relatively timeless, but, there's still some sense of that [time].

G: Some sense of separation?

Siddhananda: Yeah, time. They're saying it felt more timeless there. It sounds like they're trying to move, they're sort of in between wanting to fall away and..

G: Yeah, and there's no reason they can't. If they're already a light body, all they have to do is open and ask to know God. 

Siddhananda: (pause) And i am seeing a burst of light, light energy. Yeah (laughter)

G: Yeah, the light beyond lights. They're already that light. all they need to know is that light beyond lights, that's all and open their heart to it and they can know God immediately (snapping finger). It's not that they need any practice or anything at that point.

Siddhananda: It's just another little step, really.

G: It's just a string and just that belief system that they are separate is what they need to let go of. They're not separate, they can't be separate. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's just another little step, I can see a burst of light. Wow, it's really bursting now. So, there was just that little thing.. They're all good [now]

G: So, they may be in the void for a while.

Siddhananda: I can put them there (referring to the void shelf), do you want me to?

G: Yeah, I would put them there, they might be there for a while (laughing)

Siddhananda: (placing the stone on the void shelf)

G: In this realm or the corporeal realm, we've taken on all the limitations. But, where they're at, there's no limitations to that. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, maybe with those, it's just that they needed that permission to do that severing.

G: Exactly. It's right there, present. You just have to ask for it and open the door and you can have it immediately there. 

Siddhananda: That's the thing, oh my goodness, Without a body, it was quick as it could be.

G: Yeah, they were so close! So close yet so far (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah, that worked (smiling).

G: Yeah. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Siddhananda: Okay, next (showing a small transparent stone) (pausing with closed eyes)... [I'm hearing], "Return to light."

G: (nodding)

Siddhananda: (pause) "Shedding darkness..." "Spinning Universe" or something... Let me see what questions they have.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: (pause) I'm seeing a spinning energy. I think they're trying to make use of that.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: [They're trying to] use what they have to propel them forward. That's what I'm gathering. They're saying "Yes." They're like a white light spinning (gesturing a spinning motion).

G: Right, but they're just not going anywhere. They're staying in one spot with the spinning (gesturing a spinning motion).

Siddhananda: (nodding)

G: Okay, let them have the COS so that they can expand a little more (laughing). 

Siddhananda: Okay, so transmitted the COS (putting the stone aside).

Monday, April 18, 2016

What is this I?

Siddhananda: Okay, here’s the next one (showing a pointy jade-green crystal).. (pausing with closed eyes).. Okay, all I hear with this one is “I, I, I," resonating in my heart.

G: Okay, what about this I?

Siddhananda: I just keep hearing “I, I, I. . . I, I, I”

G: Mmm hmm.

Siddhananda: Lot of “I’s” (chuckles), that’s it!

G: So, they can say : “What is this I?”

Siddhananda: Okay, as soon as they started that, it cut that “I, I, I, I.” [cycle]

G: Right. They know that 'they are', okay, so let's find out that they know that 'they are not' (laughing softly). “I know that I exist,” but, they need to find out what is at the heart of that existence.

Siddhananda: Right

G: And it's not that “I” that they’re taking it to be.

Siddhananda: Yeah. So, that is penetrating... “What is I" and then there’s nice long gaps with stillness.

G: Right. So, we’ll let them continue with that (placing hands together, palms outwards and then waving them apart), “what is I.” They know that they exist, “Well, I know I exist, I, I, I, I,” but, they need to break through, “what is that I” and break through that (gesturing by gently raising fists on either side and then pulling them down)  and find the heart of existence rather than that persona of existence.

Siddhananda: Yeah. It almost seems like that energy just got (inaudible) and that’s going to cut it [and] break that last little hold of that circular I, I, I. There were no other thoughts or images with it, it was just that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, good! (setting the stone aside). Thank you.

G: I think that people get stuck in that “Who am I, who am I, who am I,” and then they get to that point “Okay, I exist, I exist, I exist,” (waving hand up and down several times). There’s “I, I, I, I exist, I exist, I exist.” So, then they have to cut through that, (waving hands gently apart, palms outward) “what is that I, what is that I, what is that I.” And then it breaks through that solidification, yeah.

Siddhananda: (Nodding) Yeah, and that’s what was happening there, leaving much more stillness in between that, rather than that constant “I, I, I.”

G: Right.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Born Seeking Truth

Siddhananda: (Picking up a stone) Okay, got a little heart. (pausing with eyes closed) Something about being born seeking truth.

G: Hmm hmm

Siddhananda: "Many lifetimes walking towards truth."

G: Okay. Good. So they have done some preliminary work. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. I see someone walking with a staff, through these many scenes. They are saying "shadows rising no more." They want that to go.

G: Hmm hmm

Siddhananda: They just always felt like they have been a seeker of the way, of the light. It's pretty much what I am getting there.

G: Yeah. What type of practice have they done? And what context? 

Siddhananda: I am hearing "many traditions."

G: Many traditions. So they are open.

Siddhananda: Feeling very open. Yeah.

G: They are feeling very open. So, I would say for this one, the OM THAT I AM, and the I AM THAT I AM. And the COS. 

Siddhananda: Nice! Got the whole package.

G: Yeah. Most of it. 

Siddhananda: Most of it. Not the mantras, but, it’s a good package though. They are saying this will be great on their journey. Thank you so much. (gesturing namaste)

G: Thank you so much (gesturing namaste)


Siddhananda: (Showing a small black linga) This is a heavy, heavy lingam! We'll see what happens.

G: A heavy one again?

Siddhananda: It's heavy!

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: I feel it.

G: Hopefully it's good heavy and not a heavy, heavy.

Siddhananda: That's the thing.

G: We'll see what comes out of it.

Siddhananda: Oh Boy, okay, we'll see what happens.

G: Wait for a second here, he's running a blender (referring to activity happening in the background)

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: So, we got to wait.. a second, that's all. (pause) Yeah, i thought they were done yesterday, but no, we're having a parade today, so (laughing)

Siddhananda: Not done yet (laughing)

G: (laughing) It's not done yet, right.

Siddhananda: (laughing) Okay, let me see what this one [has to say] (making a grimace) I have a feeling about this one, but let me see if i am right or wrong. (pause) Yeah, i am seeing [an image of] this linga with tears coming down it.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They're heavy with sorrow and that's what i had a feeling of.

G: Right, okay. And what's that sorrow due to? What are they hanging on to?

Siddhananda: (long pause with closed eyes) It's feeling light [now], though, so, let's see. Something happened. Okay, i think their family may have gotten hurt or killed or something.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: I see some blood. I see a knife, but, they didn't do anything. It wasn't them, but, it was some bad people [who], by violence, hurt their family.

G: Family violence?

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause) I don't know if it was the family, i think some bad people came in to hurt the family and some of the family got killed.. children, wife. He has a bit of a slash under his eye. He did try to help, but i see him struggling with whoever had that knife. He struggled. It does feel like it was [someone from] indian culture, [an] indian man.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: He struggled.

G: Yeah, they have all sorts of village things where they have a lot of violence in the villages and stuff.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and that's it. i can see them hurting, killing the rest of the family. I think he got out. He has a slash (pointing to underneath the right eye) like he said, but he died eventually, but not that way.

G: Right

Siddhananda: i see him going on to have another child later, with another woman.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: That has some light to it, so i think he went on. But, I see him carrying those blood stains on his soul a little bit.

G: Right, so we're going to ask that his family, that he thinks has died, come to him now.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: That those souls come to him now so he can see that they haven't died. They have just transitioned out of that form, that's all, at that time. But they are not dead. They are quite alive (laughing). That's to see there is no death.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: There is no death, yeah.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, it's interesting, because i do see one side with the family, and this is how he is thinking of them.  On the one side, he has his healthy family, with a beautiful indian woman and little child. She's holding his hand. The other side is dark, I think it's just the way he's thinking of them, though.

G: Yeah. He needs to let go of that.

Siddhananda: And that's what's happening. So, that dark side, the way he thinks of the other, is not able to come through really well. Because, he's putting that up as being a really scary, horrible thing, and, I can see a family there behind that, but he's not letting that [come through]. It's the way he sees it in his head. It's not able to come through.

G: Right. (pause) Okay,  i want you to hold him in your hand for a minute (referring to the rock the soul is in), and i'm going to do a mantra and hopefully that will close that out and let him open.

Siddhananda: (holding the rock in her hands) Okay, I think i'll put him here like this (opening the right palm with the stone in the middle of it)

G: (long pause with eyes closed) Okay, now how's he doing?

Siddhananda: Okay, let me put him down for a minute. As you were talking, I did just see his face come forward with that gash under his eye, but i think he was listening. He was taking that in.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Okay, so that split screen is a little bit lighter on the one side. I see more light flowing in. The other one is very light, I think he had a good life with that other family. But, [with] this other one, there is more light coming in there.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And i'm trying to get a sense of that family coming through. I do feel the woman holding two, he's saying, either two or three [children].

G: Exactly, he needs to allow them to come forward so he can see that they're alive and that everything is quite fine and if he will allow that to come in, he will have a chance to reincarnate with them again and perhaps in different roles, but he will be able to experience them again, but he'll have to allow that energy in, not push it away and block it.

Siddhananda: Yeah, i'm seeing them, that imagery of a woman and two or three children, they're coming though, the light is a little bit more looking like a lotus or a halo. They're coming forward and i am seeing them more and they are filling the screen more. So, they are coming and there is this lotus flower.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It's really nice. And he's just sobbing. He's just sobbing.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: They don't have blood on them. They don't have any kind of disfigurement or anything.

G: Yeah, there's no disfigurement, there's nothing any longer, NO. When they pass out of form, they're totally healed, unless they choose to keep dwelling on that. They're not dwelling on it, so, he needs to let go of it.

Siddhananda: No, they're very whole in that way and he does still have some blood stains on his white clothing that he's carrying, but, i'm seeing some light on there, so it's definitely working. He's sobbing. He's [saying] "oh, my loves, my loves," it almost brings tears to my eyes because he's [saying] "oh, my loves are here."

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: "My dears, my sweethearts,"

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Right, so, he can open his heart and he can feel each one and one hundred percent commune with their spirits and find that they are absolutely fine.

Siddhananda: I do feel them connecting in their energies. The other woman is still there in the scene but she looks so healthy and vibrant. She's there, the other wife and child, it's all fine. But, he is communing with them [the other family] and his head is down and he's just drinking in, like "my sweethearts." It's very nice.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, what should we do with them? I think he's just wanting to be with them.

G: Leave them to their families.

Siddhananda: (Couldn't hear G properly) Okay. So, just  let them be or should I set him somewhere?

G: I said you can leave them to their families for now. Yes, let them continue with that.

Siddhananda: I think i'll set them in the back then for a little while? (pause) Or maybe on the third shelf?

G: Absolutely, yeah. They have catching up to do.

Siddhananda: Yeah, i think to process, exactly. Okay, good. So that was nice. He's definitely still there communing with them, very nice!

Friday, April 15, 2016


Siddhananda: Okay, so, we'll move on here [to the next spirit].

G: Moving on (smiling).

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Okay, i am feeling a little [that] this might be a nature type energy.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: I am seeing a pond [with] ducks in it, nice image! [Some] turtles [too] (smiling)

G: (smiling)

Siddhananda: They're saying they want to be more reflective.

G: More reflective?

Siddhananda: Yeah, i guess in the sense of being clear. i am asking if they feel like they are not clear [and] they're saying, "yes".

G: Why would that be that they're not clear?

Siddhananda: Yeah! i am asking again if they are an energy of nature and they are saying, "yes", that's interesting [that they feel they're not clear].

G: Then that should be absolutely clear. There's nothing that can stain it. 

Siddhananda: Yeah!

G: So, i would say for that being, for that nature spirit, to connect with the OM, the sound of the Universe, and enter that and that's always clear. That can't be stained or tarnished by anything, so, let them enter the OM.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, i did see an image with ripples in the pond and now [it is] just with more feeling of Light.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: That's feeling good.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: i don't know what that all was about, but, we just go with what's there.

G: We just go with what's there. (smiling)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

To Love and be Loved

Siddhananda: (Showing a small pink stone) Okay, so, next one.. (pausing with closed eyes) They've had a taste of freedom.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Now, i am seeing some flowers and the wind blowing.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: (pause) i am seeing someone. I am seeing blossoms as you go into a tree. There's someone sitting there by that tree.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: (pause) So, what are your questions today? (pause) They're not sure.

G: (laughing) They're not sure what they want to ask? They're just here? (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) They don't know.. Let's see a little bit more of where they're at.

G: What is it that they're looking for in their Heart of hearts?

Siddhananda: (pause) To love and be loved.

G: "To love and be loved", okay. (smiling)

Siddhananda: They're saying "yes", and i think it's out of a little bit of fear of the other [of not being loved].

G: Ah, okay. Then i would say to let them commune with Christ.

Siddhananda: (pause) And i am seeing Christ entering into that scene with this one by the blossoms.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: He is almost becoming that trunk, [in that tree trunk], just there with open arms..

G: Right

Siddhananda: And that image there looks more like [that of] a younger person. Sometimes this happens, where when Christ comes they become like a child.

G: Right

Siddhananda: They look very small and  young in there, i mean, gosh!

G: Yeah, that's what it says, you have to come to the kingdom as a child. 

Siddhananda: Right.

G: That just tells me that they're very accepting of that, [that] you have to come to the kingdom as a child. 

Siddhananda: Sure! And like i said that happens a lot with those images, all of a sudden they look small and child-like when Christ enters in.

G: Yeah, that's showing, if they look child-like [then it] means they've really absorbed it and they're coming into [being] absolutely in sync with that. They're ready for those lessons, to hear it.

Siddhananda: For sure, and they are holding Christ's hand [like] a very young child, it's very nice! (smiling)

G: Very sweet! Yeah, there he can learn love, he can learn absolutely what love is.

Siddhananda: And it is a small boy with striped shirt, holding Christ's hand.

G: Oh, cute! (smiling)

Siddhananda: (Smiling) It is cute by that tree, with Christ in that, almost within the trunk of that tree, interesting enough, and he's holding on, it's just cute (smiling)

G: Yeah, very sweet! So, we'll leave him to have those lessons. He can tell him many, many, many good lessons. (smiling)

Siddhananda: He is waving (gesturing a waving with hands)

G: Yeah, that's one you don't have to worry about. Christ is always ready to come, immediately!

Siddhananda: And there's always an immediate shift, if one is open, as we have seen.

G: Right, there's never any condemnation by Christ for anything. He won't put up with any B.S., [like] if anyone is coming with a demonic mind then that will get cast out. But, there's nothing but acceptance and love from Christ.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and not even a word spoken, it's just there.

G: No, it's just immediate. His being who and what he is, that transmission is absolutely so strong and just so present that it dispels all of that immediately. 

Siddhananda: Yeah (smiling)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

God is In Control

Siddhananda: Next! (Showing a small transparent stone) (making a 'ding' sound)

G: (gesturing a mudra and smiling)

Siddhananda: We're gonna have a mudra with that, why not! (laughing)

G: Sure (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Thinking about the future too much.

G: hmm hmm. For what reason?

Siddhananda: Worried about it.

G: Do they not think [that] God is in control?

Siddhananda: (pause) I guess they haven't really sat with that. (smiling)

G: Yeah, they need to sit with that. At the center of all beings is God essence, do you think that God essence can be destroyed? (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, I'm hearing them saying "God is in control.. God is in control."

G: Yeah, God is in control. God is at the center of whatever is being seen. So, the only thing that can happen is it can go through a transmutation, but, it's not going to go anywhere. It can be transformed into something else, but, it's eternal. 

Siddhananda: Okay, I am seeing a lotus blossom into that.

G: So, they're getting that.

Siddhananda: They are getting that.. it's a releasing for them. (pause). It's feeling much much better just with that. (smiling)

G: Yeah, all they need to do, if there is any doubt on anything, is just rely on that one ultimate truth that God is eternal and there is nothing that exists without God in the center of it, [that is] absolutely impossible or it would have no life at all.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, that's definitely charging them with new energy and light.

G: Yeah, so we'll let them sit with that and contemplate that for awhile (smiling)

Siddhananda: And I'm going to say this for them, because I'm seeing the COS, is that okay for them?

G: Okay, yes, the COS is okay for them. 

Siddhananda: Good, they like that (smiling). Thank you (gesturing namaste)

G: Thank you (gesturing namaste)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Body Identification

Siddhananda: (picking a stone) (pause) [i'm hearing that] they wanted to be normal for a long time..

G: hmm hmm (nodding) verses what? (laughing)

Siddhananda: Right (laughing).. The abnormal..

G: Are they aby-normal? (teasing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) (pause) They feel like they are, that they are not normal, for whatever reason. I can see why.. "disfigurement of body and mind."

G: Okay. Well, the disfigurement of the body is gone. If they check, there's no body there!

Siddhananda: When you say that, that's hilarious. (laughing).. ohh, where did it go! (gesturing looking around for body)

G: (smiling) Yeah. Unless they continue to hold that image. If they're still making that image and seeing a disfigured body then that's on them, they need to let go because on the other side they can only be that perfection of the body.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, they are holding onto something, and I can see the image, it is disfigured - the face, the form.

G: Yeah, they need to let go of that and allow that perfection, that healing of body to take place. There's no reason to hold that. When they're in that etheric body, there's absolutely no reason to hold that. So, that's in their mental framework that they are clinging to that. So, they can be healed immediately.

Siddhananda: Sure, that shows that [even] when the body is dropped, you can still see them hold to [the identifications they had] when in body... it is just the identifications.

G: Right, they're holding on to that identification. So, let that identification go and be healed. It's one hundred percent possible it would be totally healed in this moment. 

Siddhananda: (pause) As you're speaking, i'm seeing a mask being taken off. It's like that was just a mask or something (gesturing a covering)

G: Right, it's just a mask. Yeah, that was an experience that one chose to have for that life for some reason. Whatever the lesson was, that's done.

Siddhananda: (pause) And i am seeing more of a body made of light now.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Just light, with a heart. They are still holding on to that, but, they have taken it off and we'll see if they'll just flush that through.

G: Right, and we'll also let the Light of Christ come to let them know that they are totally healed, that there is no reason for any of that to be held. 

Siddhananda: (pause) They're actually running to that image [of Christ]!

G: Yeah, running is good (laughing)

Siddhananda: (smiling) So, it feels good and of course that is there and actually hugging that image, that light presence, that love is there..

G: Right

Siddhananda: So, they are very much welcomed, and that mask is still being held, but, it's a small mask now.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: But, it is a mask. So, they know that's what it is.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's feeling better.

G: Good. So, we'll leave them with Christ and let them continue to adjust and let go of that. (smiling)

Walking a Tightrope

Siddhananda: (Showing a transparent heart stone) So, we have another clear heart, which is interesting.

G: Yes

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Okay, they're on a tight rope, they're trying to balance.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: "It's a balancing act", they're saying.. It's like a balancing act of "I might fall here and I might fall there", and "what if I do this and what if I don't do that"..

G: Right (nodding)

Siddhananda: (pause) Nowhere to rest, really. They have got to balance..

G: Aha. So, they've got themselves in that predicament, why?

Siddhananda: (smiling) (pause).. [i'm hearing] they have a lot of responsibilities

G: What are those responsibilities? I don't know what kind of responsibilities they could have..

Siddhananda: (smiling) That's what i don't understand, either, but i see them carrying some baskets and some heavier things. (pause) Why are you carrying the baskets? (asking the spirit)

G: Yeah, for what reason?

Siddhananda: (pause) Just in case they might need something.

G: Just in case they might need something? (laughing).. Is God not going to take care of you? (smiling) Why are you carrying this?

Siddhananda: That kind of [relieved them] (gesturing a sigh of relief)

G: Recognize that you have what you need, but you have to have faith that it will be there.

Siddhananda: They don't know where to sit, though, because they are on this tightrope

G: Well, come down to earth (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing)

G: They need to let go of the tightrope, and they'll be fine (laughing)

Siddhananda: Oohh, to let go of it and just fall? They're thinking they'll fall if that tightrope's cut.

(continued the next day)


Siddhananda: Ok, so, this is one from yesterday (showing a translucent heart stone, referring to a spirit worked with on the previous day)

G: Right, sure.

Siddhananda: There was a couple [of them], kind of still [processing]...

G: We were starting that one yesterday when we went out, that's right.

Siddhananda: Yeah, [this one] might [have] been [about] the tightrope or something..

G: Yeah, something...

Siddhananda: I don't know, let's just see where it's at.

G: We'll tune in and find out what it is.

Siddhananda: Yeah, i never know, let's see where they're at now. (pause) Okay, so, i did see an image of a tightrope in the beginning and then it kind of faded, so, maybe it was that one.

G: That's the one we talked to before.

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly, we just had him sit there and you had Christ come in to help dissolve some of that balancing act they were doing, and.. okay, it is more light [now] and i do still see a little bit of a rope, but at least, the rope's white (laughing)

G: Okay

Siddhananda: Anyway, i do see [that] there is a lighter energy still trying to be on that rope which is made of light.. but, [they need to] get rid of the rope, right?

G: Right, they need to get rid of the rope and come down to earth . There's no reason to be walking that tightrope.

Siddhananda: Yeah, (pause) they're afraid of falling.

G: Well, they're going to fall if they stay on the rope (laughing)

Siddhananda: "Oh, really? really?"... they're saying, "there's no safety net", they're afraid.

G: No, they're going to be fine, all they have to do is step off and they'll find out there's land there immediately. They're not going to fall, they're not going to go anywhere, it's right there.

Siddhananda: Okay, i do see him trying to move off of it and... it's more light, so, they are trying to do that shift. Is there maybe a mantra [that can be given]? i don't know, maybe we can just.. what do you think?

G: Yeah, if he comes off the tightrope [then] i'll give him the Mantras (smiling)

Siddhananda: (laughing) listen to you, okay!

G: He's got to be willing to step off. They're there (referring to help from spirits on the other side), they'll reach out to your hand and he'll see they're there right next to him. How does he think they're there right next to him?

Siddhananda: Yeah, they're still wanting to hang on, so, maybe I will put him again in the back by these healing stones and let him simmer more, because they're not totally...

G: Yeah, we'll let them work with them..

Siddhananda: Yeah

G: ...because he is going to see that he's manufacturing an idea that there's this big drop there, there is no drop.

Siddhananda: No, right, no [drop]

G: Absolutely not, that's his illusion.

Siddhananda: No, because no one else has come in on a tightrope, but they're somehow managing.

G: Exactly!

Siddhananda: I don't know (laughing)

G: Was he flying up there [or] what?

Siddhananda: I know, i don't think he needs tightropes to get around, it's a little easier on the ground.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spirit of Health

Siddhananda: So, next (showing a transparent heart stone) I'm hearing "flavored of fresh sweetness."

G: Okay

Siddhananda: (Pause).. They're here to bring healthy light.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: They're here to bring health and rinse all tears away.

G: To bring what?

Siddhananda: Good health, good spirit and to rinse tears away, rinse sadness away.

G: Ok, yeah, that's nice.

Siddhananda: Hey, we'll take it (laughing).. They rinse disease away, they rinse sorrow away, they rinse ego away.. geez.  What more would you want!

G: (Nodding)

Siddhananda: They're just a healthy light (smiling) (pause).. They want any that are listening with their hearts open, they want to take them in.

G: Right

Siddhananda: They want to take them in.. They're taking them in and floating them on the water, like a baptism. They want to say, "you that are listening, you that are here with open heart, i'm taking you in and taking you to the waters" and they are pouring water over their head and letting them float and they're relaxing.

G: Right

Siddhananda: This form that the spirit is working with, they're totally relaxed, floating on this beautiful clear water with warm wind and blue sky and flowers (smiling).

G: Nice!

Siddhananda: Everything is just in peace and in balance and there are no worries and they're just continuing to rinse that over them.

G: Yes

Siddhananda: So, they're just a healthy spirit, they're here to help bring that.. that's about it.

G: Yeah, i'm just hearing, those that are laden with burdens, come and lay it down.

Siddhananda: Exactly.. i see a light that's projecting outward.. like saying if you have baggage or clinging, or worry or fear, or if you're worried about a loved one, or not in good health, whatever it is, just come, come, come..

G: Right. yeah, just come and lay it down, let me come, exactly!

Siddhananda: Yeah, so, beautiful, very very nice. Thank you so much (hand on heart).

G: Thank you, namaste.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fading into the Void

Siddhananda: Oh no, a lingam! We got three lingams here today. (laughing)

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: You know, you pick up these lingams (showing a small black lingam to the camera) and you just don't know [what their story is].

G: You just never know. (laughing)

Siddhananda: Okay.. (pause) Gosh, right away, i'm hearing "Shanti OM", this indian man bowing and saying "Shanti OM"

G: Shanti OM (using an upbeat tone)

Siddhananda: Hari OM (using an upbeat tone)

G: Hari OM (laughing) 

Siddhananda: Hari OM, Hari Om (using a upbeat tone) shanti OM

G: Yeah, we'll be getting the Bam Bam Bholenath (laughing)

Siddhananda: Yeah, totally. (pausing with closed eyes) Okay, so, what questions do you have for us today? (pause) He's melting already, a bit.

G: Doesn't take much, huh?

Siddhananda: No...umm,

G: They just come in with that energy and just go.

Siddhananda: It's true.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, he's fading, he's fading, so, maybe we can put him on another shelf there.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Let me see if he has a question. (pause) i'm hearing "i" and it's fading away. He's fading.

G: Yeah, he's going into the linga (laughing)

Siddhananda: Be careful when you go into those lingas. (laughing)

G: If you want to get in that linga, you're going to experience that linga (laughing)

Siddhananda: He's saying " i" (gesturing a fading away into the back) and he's fading back. I just hear him fading into this void.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: He's "ohhh" (gesturing a fading away) (laughing)

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: He is, he's fading into the void and that's what's happening.

G: He's going into the void, so, we'll see him when he comes out of the void. I doubt he'll have to much to say with that "i" (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) Maybe we'll put him on the top shelf, huh?

G: Put him up on the void shelf.

Siddhananda: He is a little "ohhh" (gesturing a fading) but it is going, so, he's not talking well now at, we'll put him on the void shelf (places the stone on the top shelf)

G: No, he's not going to talk for a while (laughing)

Siddhananda: Be careful when you put yourself [in a lingam]. He was all animated and then it just went away. (laughing)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dive into Conciousness

Siddhananda: (Showing a transparent pink stone) Okay, so, let's see here.. (pausing with closed eyes).. So, this one's saying "Push me over the edge", i see a cliff [and] some water down below, like the ocean. "Push me over the edge"

G: Oh, ready for the ocean of consciousness, huh? (smiling)

Siddhananda: Yeah, "push me over", they're saying. They're on the edge of it and they're ready to jump!

G: Okay, well, they can lay themselves on the altar of Truth and say "I lay myself on the altar of Truth", and let go and let God pull them in, one hundred percent.

Siddhananda: (pause) They've already started to dive in, i see an energy moving there..

G: Yeah (smiling) 

Siddhananda: (pause)

G: Yeah, let them go and be submerged in that and release that ego form and find out the Truth of that.

Siddhananda: And that's what's happening. They're actually dissolving into this ocean.

G: Yeah, that's all they needed was that last little push to go, they're ready.. just cut that last little thread, that's it.

Siddhananda: Yeah

G: So, we'll put them on the upper shelf there because they'll be in that stillness for a while.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they dove in.. (placing the stone along with the other healing stones).. That wasn't hard (smiling)

G: They will be in the ocean of consciousness for a while (smiling)

Siddhananda: Even before you were saying "Tell them on the altar of Truth..", they were already diving in..

G: Already diving! [they] just wanted permission to go.. (smiling)

Siddhananda: Yeah, and maybe your blessing too, that's all. They just wanted that.

Ask for Liberation

Siddhananda: (Showing a small lingam) We have another one! (referring to previous stone being a linga as well)

G: Oh, another linga, okay (laughing). Hopefully, that one was listening in.

Siddhananda: (laughing) (the linga rolls) Where'd it go! It rolled under the computer, it left for a minute. I don't know how these things move, but they do. They have feet or something, I tell you! All the sudden they're there and then they're somewhere else (laughing)

G: (laughing) 

Siddhananda: Maybe it was trying to hide under there, but, I don't know. We'll find out (laughing) I'm hearing that they do want to shrink a little after that [last spirit's session] because they're in the lingam and they don't feel like they can meet that or match up with that one (referring to previous spirit that was contemplating lingam and yoni)

G: (laughing hard)

Siddhananda: So, they don't even know, if they should go back to where they came from (laughing).. They're glad you're laughing, but that's the way they feel. They wanted to roll right under the computer as if they were never ever here. (laughing)

G: [It was like] "i was going to come and share all my great wisdom, and now i'm like hiding and hoping they wont' see me" (gesturing hiding under desk) (laughing)

Siddhananda: That's the thing, and he came in a lingam and he's just like "Oh, No!" (laughing)

G: That's so funny!

Siddhananda: He's glad you're laughing. He's glad we're laughing.

G: Tell them it's okay (laughing)

Siddhananda: Yeah. Okay, let's see.. (pause) i'm seeing the image of a householder and it sounds like he's done all those things, [rituals] to Ganesha where they're just wanting good things for themselves (smiling)

G: Right, exactly

Siddhananda: He doesn't see the cosmos in the lingam, i just see a happy household. I mean, he was a good husband and raised his kids, but, in that old traditional way of "give me, give me" and all the stuff that they do

G: Right

Siddhananda: So, he's just [saying] "Help me, please!". He's saying "After that example, my goodness. I really see where this can go and what I've [missed]. I've just not been in the heart of it at all"

G: Right. Now, see the Universe set that up so that's what he can follow (laughing) You may want to aim a little higher next time (teasing)

Siddhananda: He's like "that's in there, this whole thing!" (referring to the deeper message of lingam and yoni), He's like "My God, that's what that was about? I was just doing it as a rote thing"

G: Exactly, it's like "Ganesh, let me have good house, let me have good business, let me have sons..", I know the whole trip

Siddhananda: That's exactly it. He did all of that and he was pretty heavy into it, just like any of them.

G: Yeah, it's the thing, they're asking for gifts, they're not asking for the wisdom, they're not asking for enlightenment

Siddhananda: Right

G: So, this next time, ask the Ganesh for the deeper things, so that he can see that it leads to freedom, liberation in motion on all levels.

Siddhananda: (pause) He is on his knees, he's crying, actually. He didn't know what he was doing.. He knew that it was selfish, but, he did not know that [deeper meaning]. He just didn't do it, he's lost that chance.

G: Right. Well, he can have another chance. He can come in again, he can have another chance. But, this time, aim for higher things, ask for liberation,  don't ask for the physical stuff, ask for the things of the spirit.

Siddhananda: (pause) and i'm seeing a lingam coming up in my mind with a flower, like he's wanting to flower that, he's wanting to take that in a different way. I do see a cup he's holding [like] he wants to drink it in a different way. He didn't know and he's glad [he knows now], it was hard for him to hear that from the one that came before, but, it really jolted him.

G: Exactly, it's what he needed to see, that's called Grace! (laughing)

Siddhananda: "Yes, I see how Grace works, it's hard hitting, it's hard", he says.

G: It is hard. But, if he's ready, he can come in and ask for a teacher, ask sincerely for a Guru from his heart and he'll find a Guru in this next life time. Don't miss the opportunity again.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yes, so, he's wanting to know what practices he should be doing.

G: Yeah, he can do the COS,

Siddhananda: He's very grateful for that and he's bowing. He's got his rudraksha beads, his mala beads in his hand and he's holding them to his heart, he's crying and he's sad that he didn't honor that light the way he should have.

G: That's ok, just tell him "Don't be sad, you'll have another chance. That's why you're here. He's a good man and that's why you're here and you got the Grace to do it now."

Siddhananda: Yes, he's a good man and he tried to do the best with the rituals that he did, he just didn't know.

G: Exactly, he was just ignorant, he didn't know. He's a good man, so, now the Light has come, this opportunity has come. 

Siddhananda: And, he's offering you a flower and he's offering his heart as if to say i will sincerely try now, and saying thank you.

G: Thank you for coming (gesturing namaste)

Siddhananda: Boy, that worked out well! (smiling)

G: Yeah (smiling)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pity Party

Siddhananda: Okay, so, on to the next one, (pausing with closed eyes) So, this one is saying they're like a piece of caramel candy! (smiling)

G: A caramel candy? (laughing) Okay

Siddhananda: Yeah, I always like these. I think they're kind of cute, but, anyway. Maybe, this isn't so good because they are showing how that sticks to your teeth and [is] hard to chew.

G: Yeah, okay.

Siddhananda: (pause) So, they feel a little gummed up like that.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: Let's see why? (pause) I guess, a little stuck

G: So, what's holding them back?

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Where are they stuck?

Siddhananda: Yeah, where are they stuck?, (pause) maybe, just again, [they're stuck] feeling like they're not good enough

G: Why would they have that feeling? Why would they think they're not good enough?

Siddhananda: Because they never did anything right

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: I know you're not going to buy into this Guruji (laughing)

G: NO, i'm not buying into it for an instant!

Siddhananda: They never did anything right, they always messed things up, they were the ones that messed it up, and all of that kind of thing.

G: Yeah, the pity party.

Siddhananda: Yeah

G: Are they enjoying that bandwagon, that pity party?

Siddhananda: NO, it's hell, it's horrible.. is what they're saying. They hate it.

G: Yeah, then they need to let go of that. (pause) That pity party is not serving them well at all.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: (pause) Self-Flagellation is not serving them at all (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) Okay, i am seeing a little bit of white energy rising from this caramel type of energy

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing)

G: Yeah, if he looks within, and the message again today [is] that [the] perfection is there, but he has to let go of his idea of imperfection.

Siddhananda: Right

G: He has to let go of that, so that the other can come forward.

Siddhananda: Right. There was some light there when you said that, that's what's keeping it bound is his idea.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: And I see a light bulb [lighting up]

G: And he keeps feeding that idea and keeps giving it life and pushing the other away.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Why would you want to push that away?

Siddhananda: Right, and this light bulb is saying, it's not happening now, it's just an idea. That's not happening now, that's not happening now.. i'm hearing.

G: Right, that doesn't need to happen anymore.

Siddhananda: Yeah

G: (pause) He can do it, he can. He just needs to stop telling himself that he can't.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, that's resonating.. he had that light bulb and he had some insight into that, so, that's really great.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: So, what should we do with him?

G: So, is there anything else he would like to ask before he [leaves]

Siddhananda: He would, [yes]. He's not going to turn down some mantras or whatever you like to give him (laughing)

G: (laughing) Since he asked, he can have them.

Siddhananda: Okay, so, should it be like the two practices?

G: We don't push them on anybody, you have to ask. If you want them, you have to ask.

Siddhananda: Sure

G: That's a lesson for him, too. If you ask, the door is open.

Siddhananda: That's true, that's true. Instead of just sitting there wallowing in your stuff.

G: Yeah

Siddhananda: So, the COS maybe? and the two practice "I Am That I Am" and "Om That I Am", is that Okay?

G: Yes

Siddhananda: Okay (hand on heart). (pause) Okay, that's good

G: Perfect

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Siddhananda: Okay, got a big one, big guy (showing a big transparent stone)

G: Oh, big boy, ok (laughing)

Siddhananda: yeah, biggest one here today. (pausing with closed eyes).. within this big rock, i just see a tiny little dot (smiling)

G: Okay

Siddhananda: So, let's see what this little dot is about. (pause).. [let's see what] dust spec has to say (smiling).. and they are talking small, it's the weirdest thing (smiling)

G: (laughing) Small voice (imitating small voice)

Siddhananda: They are, and there is some white light coming from this little dot, though.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Let's see if they have any questions. It is kind of a squeaky voice, i know it's silly, but it's a small voice

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) It's like Horten hears a who when he has that little dust spec (referring to a Dr. Seuss children's book).

G: Yeah (laughing)

Siddhananda: Anyway, (pause) they want to grow into freedom, they feel like they just need a lot of growth (smiling)

G: Oh, they need growth. Okay.

Siddhananda: Is that it? i'm seeing a lot of green come from it, even from the small stone. It's feeling like it's got a lot of potent energy, coming from this small dot.

G: Yeah, it just needs to expand a little bit

Siddhananda: Yeah!

G: They've concentrated themselves down a little bit (gesturing a small point in space) that they need to expand it back out (gesturing expansion from that point)

Siddhananda: That's it! And I think they've got a lot of heart in it but they just need some help.

G: Yeah, for them, the COS.. they need to have that expansion.

Siddhananda: (pause) and they are lighting up around that, more light is filling up the stone. So, that is their way of yes.. It's a very nice energy, though, i have to say, this little dot (smiling)

G: Yes. That little dot can grow and expand into the whole universe. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's it.

G: They've got a big journey ahead (smiling)

Siddhananda: Well, this rock is glowing with light, really, from the COS. Thank you so much. They'd like to stay a little while with the healing stones, if that is fine.

G: Yeah, absolutely, they can stay.

Siddhananda: Because they are a little light.. little, getting to be a bigger light now.

G: Yes (smiling)