Siddhananda: (Showing a dark linga) I see this lingam in my mind and I see a gentle aura around it when I shut my eyes.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: I see that exact same linga with an aura around it.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: With a flower on it... (pause) I see a little crack in that linga.
G: Yeah, he is pouring a lot of love energy into it, and it is starting to open. That's good.
Siddhananda: Yeah, there is a crack and a flower coming. Really a cool feeling with the flower coming from that crack.
G: Nice!
Siddhananda: It really is a nice image.
G: Hmm hmm. And that life does come from that zero-point. That comes from that, that Truth comes from that, that purity comes from that (gesturing things emanating from one point), the wisdom of that purity. Everything comes from that zero-point, that's the ground of being, actually.
Siddhananda: Exactly! And that's it. (smiling)
G: Yeah. I can see exactly what he's giving that image for.
Siddhananda: It feels like that's all that he wanted to [say].
G: Right. He's not asking for anything. He doesn't need anything. He wanted to share that, that everything comes from that zero-point balance, that beauty of manifestation, it all comes from that. It's got to be rooted there. And it doesn't take anything away from the rest of it.
Siddhananda: (Nodding) You said it perfectly! That's exactly, exactly what it is. Okay, Very nice! (gesturing namaste)
G: Thank you for sharing that, that's a beautiful message (gesturing namaste). (smiling).
Siddhananda: We'll take that! (smiling).
G: We'll take that. Yeah, the symbology is so [rich]... It's funny because you don't need words to convey that message. That symbology, if you understand that, is absolutely so rich and pregnant with meaning.
Siddhananda: That's in an instant, that's in a flash. There's the image and it says it all.
G: It says it all. It's immediately there (snapping fingers). It's like that thing of knowing, it's just known and it's an immediate thing. It's not something that one sits and thinks and builds upon "this means this means this means this." It's an immediate knowing. It comes into consciousness in its fullness.
Siddhananda: Exactly. Right. No debating, no discussion or any doubt, there it is.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: Really nice. Simple!
G: Simple. Such an easier way to communicate! Words are sooo ugh! Words are sometimes such a pain because people can take words and skew it for this or that and not really get the full message. So, sometimes I think the image is more, in a way, concrete as to what's being said.
Siddhananda: Well, that's what's interesting now with some of this happening here is sometimes I see a flash of an image and that's the whole thing I get with that person, like some growth of some flower and I just get a flash of different things, but, that's it. I just think it's interesting that I get the imagery versus words.
G: Yeah, you get the imagery, and then you can feel exactly what that imagery is conveying because of the vibration and energy of that person that's sending that image. So, all of that together make up that whole message. One's just immediately in contact with that energy and that vibration. There's no time and space for that, it's an immediate connection. Same with [where] you have students and they have a connection with the Guru and that Guru holds the energy in place for them. There's no time and space in that. And if there's that connection then that energy transfer is always taking place.
Siddhananda: No matter where they're at and what they're doing. In that way it is similar to the way things are being conveyed.
G: Yeah, it's all on an energetic level that the things are being conveyed.
Siddhananda: Hundred percent energy, and it's a different thing from just sitting down and having tea with someone and talking.
G: Right, we're not having the dumbing down of words.
Siddhananda: Yeah! (smiling). You always say it so well!