Thursday, February 18, 2016

Change is Always Possible

Siddhananda:  Next (showing a little white stone)!

G:  Next (laughing)!

Siddhananda:  (closing her eyes) Okay, so I'll just put out the first image, which is of a Christmas tree in a home, and a nice fire. It's nice and warm.

G:  Nice, comfy, cozy.

Siddhananda:  Nice, comfy, cozy ... yeah. They're saying that they're not really that kind of a being, though. They would like to be more of an open, inviting presence versus a stubborn, hard one.

G:  Well, if you'd like to change, you can change it. If you want to be that being, you can be it. Just stop being the other.

Siddhananda:  (laughing)

G:  (laughing) So, what's preventing you from stopping to be the other?

Siddhananda:  It feels like there's some anger.

G:  Anger. That's helping you how? How is that serving you?

Siddhananda:  "It's not helping me. Not at all," he's saying.

G:  Mm hmm, right. So, you see the fallacy of that. Be willing to drop that, let that go, and leave it in the past.

Siddhananda:  It feels like they don't even know who [the anger] is for anymore.

G:  Right. They're just angry to be angry.

Siddhananda:  Yeah (laughing). It's been held onto for so long that they don't even know what the initial cause of it was anymore.

G:  Right. Sometimes it's that way. So, you're not enjoying that at all and you want to be the other. So, be the other.

Siddhananda:  As you're speaking, I do see some bubbling in there. It's starting to bubble and heat up in there, in a good way.

G:  Yeah, in a good way. There's no reason why you can't go on to be the other. You just have to be willing to let go of the [anger], open the door and walk through to the other.

Siddhananda:  I am seeing the shadow of a body walking into that initial scene. They're in there, and [can] maybe sit there themselves, and start inviting that warm feeling into their own heart.

G:  Yeah, exactly. Open the heart and allow that warmth to come in there. Then, you can extend that outward to others.

Siddhananda:  (pausing with eyes closed) They are sitting there and trying to enjoy that feeling themselves.

G:  Mm hmm.

Siddhananda:  It is a dark body that's in that space. So, hopefully, they'll get warmed up by that. It'll take a little time. They carried these things for a long while.

G:  Exactly.

Siddhananda:  I feel like it's another one of those beings that just needed permission.

G:  Right. There's always permission to do that. There's always permission to drop the old. It's not beneficial. It's not aiding yourself or aiding anyone else. Why would you not have permission to drop that and go to something much better, much lighter?

Siddhananda:  I do see an image of some chains. They're loosening. They're unlocked.

G:  Mm hmm. They're never locked, because they're put on there by yourself. You carry your own chains. So, anyway, you have to just be willing to take that off and move forward.

Siddhananda:  Okay. So, they're in that new scene now and I think that sounds pretty good.

G:  Yep, so we will leave them there to process that and to contemplate that. Yes, they have that ability to change. Absolutely.

Siddhananda:  They do like the COS.  They're asking me to put it out there if they can have the COS.

G:  Yes, good. That will help.

Siddhananda:  Okay, good. They're happy that I said that, of course (smiling).

G:  (smiling)


  1. Sometimes you can give yourself a permission to drop the old laggage. If you manage to remember it at the right moment. Thank you for all that. Omm.

  2. Namaste, nice message about dropping the mental baggage and moving forward. Thank you. om

  3. Namaste - a great message for sure!
