Sunday, February 14, 2016

Pure Love

Siddhananda: Ok (showing a pink translucent stone), back on the tow truck. (laughing) You can almost see it (referring to the stone being shown in the camera).

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: Gearing up to go to the next round here, right! (pausing with closed eyes)

Spirit: I came in as an energy of love.

Siddhananda: I guess they want a distinction between… Let me ask if this is correct before I [say it]. (pause) They want a distinction between the individual kind of love and pure love. And how they just live with the pure love, what happens to that individual love, like love for family, love for God, love for…

G: It still remains, yeah.

Siddhananda: It's within that.

G: It just becomes absorbed in it. It becomes absorbed, but it's not really that separate. But, what happens is you start losing that. As one goes further they lose that individuality, [that] feeling of separation between anything, so it's just love.

Siddhananda: It just remains that.

G: It just remains that, yeah.

Siddhananda: I'm hearing, “Without revolving…”

G: Yeah, it's not…

Spirit: …thoughts or emotions.

G: Right, right, it’s…

Spirit: Those things go.

G: Right, right. The mind stills and one just remains in that "IS,” that state of non-duality and "IS,” and yeah, the eyes register duality. You see duality through the eyes and you see the various forms, but one is no longer in the illusion of everything is separate, separate, separate.

Siddhananda: I hear a little bit with that being [that]…

Spirit: It is sad though. I mean, would you stop…

G: No, it's not sad.

Spirit: …loving someone…

G: Absolutely not!

Spirit: …[that you] care about.

G: No.

Spirit: Is that…

G: No. One gets to realization and goes back into the world and enjoys it for what it is, yeah. Nothing's lost... nothing's lost.

Spirit: No, can't be…

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Right away I felt, whatever this one was conveying, I felt that went away. It just went away and just really dissolved there. (pause) Yeah, they really let go. It's very nice.

G: Oh, that's good, that's good.

Siddhananda: Not saying too much.

G: Yeah, no, I think that's all they needed. They're going to sit with that and then let that expansion of love [come].

Siddhananda: That's all that they are really here for.

G: Let that expansion of love come, instead of that contraction…

Siddhananda: That's right.

G: ...of ideation about it, yeah.

Siddhananda: Perfect way to put it... So grateful for that.

G & Siddhananda: (gesturing Namaste)


  1. Namaste - nice on one on love and great timing for this post. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Namaste, perfect timing for valentine's. Happy Valentines to all. Omm.

  3. Namaste. Just love with no separation, no boundaries ... mmmm ... lovely! Happy Valentine's day :) om shanti.

  4. Namaste, yes, happy valentines day! om

  5. Namaste- Nice to see this soul letting go of old ideas...Om
