Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Torch Bearer of Light

Siddhananda:  There we go. Another little heart (showing a pretty white stone).

G:  Lots of hearts today.

Siddhananda:  Lots of hearts, and we've got another little heart waiting, too (closing her eyes). Gosh, I'm getting an image of a woman being pulled by her hair, and, she's screaming and crying ... no, no! That's my first image, so let's see what happens (closing her eyes again). I do see a door, like, of a cell or something.

G:  Like a what?

Siddhananda:  A cell with a door, like in a jail.

G:  Oh, okay.

Siddhananda:  She is being pulled by a guard, or something.

G:  Very brutal.

Siddhananda:  Mm hmm (nodding gravely). It's not good. She's fighting and screaming. It sounds like she's one that has worked for some kind of rights, maybe women's rights.

G:  Uh huh.

Siddhananda:  And, boy, she put herself on the line.

G:  Yeah, she put herself on the line. Is she in body now, is this coming psychically or is she out of form?

Siddhananda: (pausing with eyes closed) I'm getting she's more [of an] energy now.

G:  Okay.

Siddhananda:  That was an image she wanted to reflect. I think she was a person that fought for, like I said, the rights of people, women especially, and children and animals.

G:  Yeah (nodding). There are a lot of cultures [where] that's [dangerous]. You put yourself on the line, and you're really going to go through some suffering and torture with that.

Siddhananda:  Yeaah, she did. I don't know if she died that way. She's saying, "yes," she did. It wasn't good.

G:  No.

Siddhananda:  Poor thing. She was really brutally beaten, and things. That's what I'm feeling with this energy.

G:  Right, and so what can we help you with today?

Siddhananda:  She's still worried about that for people. She still wants to work on that side of helping women and animals. She doesn't care that her body was beaten and that. She's just like "whatever" (shaking her head), "I'm still ..."

G:  She's still going to continue.

Siddhananda:  Yeaahh (nodding resolutely)!

G:  Continue in that fight.

Siddhananda:  She didn't care [about the beating] .

G:  Like I said, ... I hate to say it ... in the Middle East, and in India, it's still absolutely atrocious for women. Absolutely atrocious (shaking her head).

Siddhananda:  Her heart aches ... her heart aches (shaking her head). She knows, and her heart is just aching, but she wants to be of good service and not be weighed down in her spirit by this.

G:  Right. She's on the other side, so she can take this time to see that that was an event in time that she doesn't need to hold onto. She can still ask to be reborn and continue in a place [where] she will be able to benefit others ... to do whatever possible to come in and bring light into those situations.  

Siddhananda:  Yeah ... yeaahh ... as you're speaking, I feel some light, the light in my heart. She wants to radiate that in whatever best way is possible to humanity, and to all those that are held down and not given their privilege that they deserve.

G:  Right ... and not given that right of being ...

Siddhananda:  ... of being themselves.

G:  (nodding yes) ... of being themselves ... of just having the right to live ... the right to live life.

Siddhananda:  Exactly, ... and wearing what they want, speaking what they need to speak, [expressing] their full being of what they deserve, and [to have] growth.

G: Right. Right.

Siddhananda:  So, I can feel a lot of light from her and a lot of strength, too. She's a hardy [one].

G:  Yeah, usually when you go through those kinds of experiences, you do develop a lot of compassion and empathy. You do want to continue to come into those type of forms to right that.

Spirit:  Yes.

Siddhananda:  She's going to do it (expressing a feeling of resoluteness beyond any doubt)! That's it.

G: Right.

Siddhananda:  That's it. End of story.

G:  Right. Just as I've chosen to come back into female form ... many, many, many, many, many lifetimes ... to continue to keep up with that and bring that light that there is equality. There is equality.

Siddhananda:  And she wants to be a woman, too. That's exactly it, and she's hearing you. She is putting out that energy to give that strength, because those are the ones, for the most part, that have been held down, and held back. She wants to be an example.

G:  It is at a crisis point in history with this at this present time.

Siddhananda:  She knows that. She's like that Sadhvi. She's not taking any of that crap (laughing)!

G:  No, she's not taking any bullshit. She's going to stand up and that's it.

Siddhananda:  She's got that torch, and she's saying, "No, I'm carrying it!"

G:  Yes, she's very much a torch bearer, and very strong in that.

Siddhananda:  Yeah. She is going to be a blessing here, but even now with her energy [it's a blessing].

G: Exactly. So, just take the time to relax and refresh as much as possible before you take rebirth again. And then, continue to do the fight in whatever way possible. Ask to be brought into the best form possible to continue to do the best good that you can for the planet, and for the women and children.

Siddhananda: Oh, for her there is no doubt. I am hearing a little of the COS, but I don't know. What do you think?

G:  Mm hmm ... she can do the COS, of course.

Siddhananda:  She likes the energy of that.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: But, no matter what, she's going on.

G: No matter what, she will take rebirth again, and she will continue. She will continue on, I have no doubt about it.

Siddhananda:  Oh, yeah! "You will hear from me again," she says (laughing).

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: So, like I said, I feel the Sadhvi energy in her.

G:  Yeah, there're some really terrible things going on in the Muslim, and also, the Hindu [parts of the world]. Horrible, horrible things. There's this one [account] in the villages in India that I just read about the other day where one guy had run away with a higher caste wife, and they sentenced his sisters to be raped.

Siddhananda:  Oh, gosh (shaking her head in great sadness).

G:  Now, what the hell does that have to do with those girls? Why are they paying the punishment for what their brother has done? I mean, kangaroo courts ... it's horrible.

Siddhananda: Oh, my God.

G:  Women are still being stoned in Muslim countries.

Siddhananda: "No," she's saying. "No, that's just not going to happen."

G:  They get raped, and then they [get] killed [by stoning] on top of it. They get punished for some guy raping them.

Siddhananda: When we talk about this new phase or the energy shift, those lessons, in terms of Karma, for souls that need wake-up calls are going to become stronger.

G:  They're going to be tough!

Siddhananda: They are going to be really tough, and they're going to be strong.

G:  They are going to be very, very tough.

Siddhananda:  They are going to be strong, and it's going to push against that wall. It's just going to knock you down.

G: Exactly!

Siddhananda:  If this keeps on, this energy is going to come around that way. That's just part of it.

G:  Exactly! They're going to have such tough lessons, they'll have nowhere to look but up.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G:  They're going to be knocked SO hard. So my suggestion is [to take this to heart]. I hope they get some kind of wisdom and wake-up calls before that happens.

Siddhananda: Absolutely. Stop this. Stop it, stop it, stop it ... because it's going to come around, and no one wants that for anybody.

G:  No.

Siddhananda:  But that's the law of equal, receive back of what you put out. It's karma.

G:  Exactly. It's Karma, and you cannot get out of Karma.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, you know, it's high time. It's high time. This is going to change. Things are shifting. The universe in the long run is just going to come around.

G: Exactly. (gesturing namaste) So, we thank you ... 

Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste) Thank you so much.

G:  ... for your ongoing diligence.

Siddhananda:  ... and dedication.

G: (nodding) ... and dedication ...

Siddhananda:  ... towards this end, because it needs [to change].

G:  It's high time. This planet needs to change.

Siddhananda:  She's saying, "Thank you. Thank you, and I will go forward."

G:  Thank you. Namaste.

Siddhananda:  Carrying the torch.

G:  Carrying the torch.

Siddhananda:  Yep! That's quite a gal there!

G:  She's strong. She's a strong being. That's for sure.

Siddhananda: Absolutely.

G:  To be willing to come back in with that.

Siddhananda:  And do it again.

G:  Yeah, and do it again. It takes a very strong being.

Siddhananda: Yeah, wow! That's a force. A good force.


  1. Namaste. The energy of this one is felt so strongly. May she prevail and may we be moved by the light of her fire. om shanti

  2. Namaste, tough one! No doubt. May the poor treatment of women and children be stopped. Omm shanti.

  3. Namaste - love this energy and what she has and will continue to fight for! Thankful also to Guruji for being reborn as a woman and being such a strong super heroine!

  4. Namaste- Very courageous being, and very much needed on this planet..OM
