Saturday, February 6, 2016

Nothing to Fear, but Fear

Siddhananda: Okay, so ... green light, green light (laughing as she maneuvers a stone toward the green light where the viewfinder is).

G:  (laughing) Green light, green light!

Siddhananda: Hopefully, they saw that okay (smiling). Oh, okay (closing her eyes). I did hear, “Dark energy," but I'm going to give this time. I don't want to place anything on it. "Dark energy." Let's see ... hmm. Maybe they're asking, "Is dark energy a phantom?"

G: Mm hmm (nodding yes). It's like a shadow.

Siddhananda: Yeah (nodding). I think that's what they're asking.

G:  Yeah, it has no substance other than what you give it. Everything is based in truth and light in the beginning, but a dark energy is that which has gotten off on the wrong way, and [has] misunderstood, and gets pulled away from the light. So, the further you get away from light, really, the less potency you have. They think they have more, but it's actually less in the end.

Spirit: Now, say that again. The further you get away from the light, the less potency?

G: Yeah, the less potency you have.

Spirit:  ... YOU have? Okay, got you (nodding).

 G: ... that that energy has (nodding yes).

Sprit:  (repeating) ... that that energy has ... Oh, interesting. I see what you're saying (nodding).

G:  It becomes more of a shadow.

Spirit: I see what you're saying. Interesting. Okay. Wow!

Siddhananda: What I saw ... I'm going to put it out there ... I saw an image that's like the grim reaper. More like that dark [energy]. I'm hearing, “Death."

G: Yeah. There is no true death (smiling slightly). There is no true death. What you call death is only passing out of one form into spirit ... and then, going into another form, but there is no death. Even with the body that one passes out of, it recycles back into the earth, and gives nourishment to the earth. So, what death? It gives forth more life. So, the idea of death is ... (holding both hands up, shaking her head, then clapping her hands together)

Spirit: It's an idea.

G: It's an idea (nodding).

Siddhananda: It's an idea! So... okay, they're taking that in. I can feel at least the energy moving a little more in a circular [pattern] versus this... (clenching her fist as if holding a hard rock).

G:  Yeah... just this... (mimicking Siddhananda's gesture and grimacing).

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's like ... what is that? Whoa!

G:  It's just like ... ehhhh! (gesturing, and grimacing as if holding onto something for her dear life)

Siddhananda: (laughing) So, I'm hearing a bit of a question.

Spirit: So, that light is there, and then ... if you're saying the darkness is more connected to the light, that darkness has more energy?

G: No!

Siddhananda:  Okay, maybe they're not getting that.

G: No. No, they're not getting that then. No. All falsehood starts out with some idea. It has to come from some kind of truth somewhere, but it's skewed. It's skewed, and as it's becoming skewed, again, it's being pulled away from the light. Yeah, it's pulled away from the light.

Siddhananda:  (nodding) Right. I think that's enough. That's exactly what [was needed]. They're hearing that (closing her eyes). But, like I say, the energy is revolving more (moving her hand like a wheel turning). It's moving more at least, [is what] I'm feeling from this being. And, I'm feeling some darkness, all shades of grey, and things, but it is shifting. They must have had that choking them a little bit .. that fear of [death, and darkness].

G: Right. Again, there's nothing to fear. If there's some dark energy, or whatever, you don't feed it. Okay? If you want to love it, if you want to fear it, if you want to be angry with it, all you're doing is feeding it. Then, you're feeding it, and giving it more life, and it has to feed off of something, or else it will dissipate.

Spirit: Yes.

G: So, you don't feed it any energy. You don't give it any energy.

Siddhananda: This is good for this being. This is good to hear. I think they've done some running from things and feeling like something is chasing them.

G: Right. There's nothing to run from. I know with a lot of religions, their whole focus is on darkness and fearing it.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Then doing all of these mantras and things to keep it away, keep it away from me! (holding her arms up in a defensive posture) But there's nothing to fear. If you fear it, then you're giving it life.

Siddhananda: For this being, this is very good information. Like you said, they've got more of an aversion to things, which is another energy ... a block that it creates.

G: Yeah, right.

Siddhananda: It makes it worse ... makes it build.

G: Well, exactly, because you're giving it more substance.

Siddhananda: Right (nodding). So, aversion, pushing away... these things that you would normally do to something that you think is going to hurt you. They're hearing something different ... like just stay present in the light.

G:  Yeah, stay present in the light and then it has no hold. It has no hold anywhere.

Siddhananda: I am seeing that there were some knots in those ropes and they're becoming more untangled. That's the image that I'm getting back ... that that was some kind of a wall, or something, coming [apart].

G: There's nothing to fear, but fear (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Yeah. They are hearing this and I'm seeing some more light. A little blip of light now in this. So, they really kept themselves bound by this running from something.

G: Right, right. There are a lot of religions like that. It's like in India [where] they have something when children are born. Sometimes, they'll put a big black dot on them (touching a few places on her face) or something. (holding her arms up in a defensive posture) Don't look at them, because if you see they're so beautiful, there's going to be something that will come to harm them. There's all this superstition.

Siddhananda: Very fear based practices.

G: Very fear based (clapping her hands together)! There are a lot of fear based religious things out there and they've not served anyone. So, if you get into a fear-based mentality, then you are your own undoing. You are your own worst enemy, and then you are feeding that darkness. You are feeding it and giving it substance.

Siddhananda: Yeah, [giving it] more energy. Yeah. (pausing with closed eyes). Some of that imagery is starting to get some light coming through it. I can still feel that [other energy]. Maybe it was a long held thing, but I'm feeling that (gesturing to indicate a ray of light penetrating through) grim reaper image with this light.

G:  I would ask Christ, if this being is open to it, that Christ would come and explain, because Christ was a Master when it came to those things (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeaahh!  Okay, let me ask if that's okay (closing her eyes). It's okay (nodding).

G:  Yeah, yeah. So, we'll let Christ go ahead. If Christ could come in (holding her hands together in prayer) and speak with this being, tell him more of the light, and that there is no need to fear the darkness, and that we have dominion over that.  

Siddhananda: (rocking gently to and fro with eyes closed) ... That image of Christ coming in ... and I'm really being honest ... [brings] an immediate shift for those that have an open heart to that. That's not for everybody, but for the ones that do ... I just immediately [see] those walls with Christ in the center, and you just see that image of open arms, but ... just white ... just light (gesturing as if it's washing through the being) ... and gentle. Everything good! I mean, that's all I can say. It really [brings] an immediate shift that quiets that soul and keeps them held in the present in a beautiful way. That's what's happening now (having tears with the beauty of seeing this).

G: (echoing yeah, yeah, yeah softly as Siddhananda speaks)  So, we will leave them to commune. Thank you (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: (placing her hand on her heart)


  1. very clear, beautiful message -- appreciate the work put into it ... thank you

  2. Beautiful....very appreciated. Omm mm.

  3. Namaste, nice message on fear. have seen several fear based superstitions.. simply beautiful to see Christ come in and that fear/shadow is gone.. Ommm

  4. Namaste- Very much enjoyed, and thank you for transcribing..Om

  5. Namaste. Thank you for the transmission of this wisdom. OM

  6. Namaste - wow, powerful one on many levels! Thank you!
