Thursday, January 28, 2016

Void, Not Devoid

Siddhananda:  This one is very still (closing her eyes and going into stillness for a time). Okay, so I'm getting a lot of stillness. [There's] a little vibration, but, you know, we'll see. I don't know if we know too much about this particular spirit.

G: Right. They went into it very fast.

Siddhananda: It goes quick.

G:  We really didn't get anything out of our mouths, and it just went ... (snapping her fingers) ... immediately!

Siddhananda:  That's right. They barely said a word, and ... (laughing) ... they went out.

G:  Immediately!

Siddhananda: Yeah (closing her eyes). I'm feeling a gentleness, and a light just beaming and emanating (moving her hand in a circular motion within the chest region). I'll [ask] is there anything...

G: Yeah, are you ready to come out [of the void], and have any words at this point?

Spirit:  I am.

G: Okay. What is it you wish to share at this point?

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Again, I'm feeling and hearing SUCH stillness, such refreshment (closing her eyes again).

G: Mm hmm (nodding yes).

Siddhananda:  I think they're still having some difficulty getting out [the words], but that's ...

G: Yeah, it might take them a little while to be able to speak, but I think, in truth, that they can [answer this question] ... Is the void, devoid?

Spirit: No ... noooo ... light, just light ... no (shaking the head slowly).

G: (laughing at hearing this) Exactly.

Spirit: That's not it at all.

G: No. People have this erroneous idea about the void. If they're saying the void is empty, then they have the wrong idea. Sometimes they go into something that's prior to the void, that's dark, and they feel it's devoid. That's illusory.

Spirit: That's right.

G:  That's not it.

Spirit: No, that's not it.

G:  That's not it. They haven't entered it. It's really entering the heart of God is what it is (smiling gently).

Siddhananda: I'm just hearing, "God Light."

G: God Light ... yes (nodding). Entering the heart, the true heart of God ... that faceless face ... knowing that face that has never manifested as a face, but is here, too.

Siddhananda:  Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I think that, too, with this particular ... and, again, if you want to say the void is devoid ... but all that I can really feel is this amazing light ... just a beam (moving her hands fluidly around the heart center) ... just wordless ...

G:  It's just that IS ... wordless (nodding yes).

Siddhananda:  ... wordless, but just ... (gesturing to indicate a kind of solidity of presence) ...

G: ... wordless ... and pregnant ... pregnant.

Siddhananda: Yes (nodding with great feeling).

G:  It's pregnant with everything, and anything, that will ever come into duality that will show itself as duality, but it's pregnant.

Siddhananda:  They're just drinking that in. It's that sort of feeling with this. We don't know much [about this one]. They could have come in SO ripe, they barely were able to speak (laughing).

G: Yeah, really. We really didn't get their story, the background ... nothing. They just came in, and it was immediately right into the void (snapping her fingers). So, what their story is, or was, ...

Siddhananda:  ... or was (laughing) ...

G:  ... on whichever plane, we do not know, because they immediately just transitioned into That.

Siddhananda: It's so lovely. It's a gentle energy, and so very much light-filled, and harmony. Not even with words, it's a feeling.

G: Mm hmm, right (nodding).

Siddhananda:  I think that they are themselves that refreshment now. That's what it feels like to me.

G: Right. They will be that light and love for others.

Siddhananda: Yeah! In just a very quiet kind of way. I don't know, we really can't say at this point, but right now for sure. Just being around this particular energy ...

G: ... it would be very beneficial for many.

Siddhananda: Absolutely.

G:  ... for many.

Siddhananda: What comes out of their speaking later, I don't know, but just that presence.

G:  I'm getting the feeling that they would be very good for the ones that have gone through a lot of trauma, and are having trouble opening the heart.

Siddhananda:  So perfect. That is SO perfect. It's so funny, because I had that feeling, and then you speak it. So, we work together as a team, and this stuff gets transmitted (laughing). I think it's such a gentle [energy], you could just kind of go ... Ohhhh (gesturing to convey a feeling of relief). I can almost see those wounds being healed just by being in [their presence].

G:  It's almost like how people say Mother Mary is that type of energy. It's very mothering, very loving, and very soft (gesturing as if embracing someone).

Siddhananda:  Mm hmm, yes (nodding). You know, just being in that presence is refreshing, like a refreshing spring ... just like a spring of water.

G: Mm hmm, yeah, right.

Siddhananda:  And, you know, you could just be totally yourself, and let down [your guard]. That in itself is going to be a healing force, and I can feel that in this particular energy. It's very, VERY loving.

G: Mm hmm (nodding). So, I think they're going to kind of be in and out of this for a little while more.

Siddhananda: Yes, yes.

G:  So, I think we will put them back up over here (pointing to the shelf behind her).


  1. Namaste - so nice to see this spirit coming to help others, especially with trauma issues.

  2. Very beautiful and soft coming through this. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Namaste- Very much enjoyed, thank you...Om

  4. Namaste, nice to hear from the void, stilling. Ommm

  5. Namaste. very beautiful, stilling energy emanating from this one. thank you. om shanti
