Monday, January 25, 2016

Let the Music In

Siddhananda: (picking up a stone and closing her eyes)

Spirit:  Mental ... mental conceptions.  Mental waves. Mental problems.

Siddhananda:  A lot of mental [stuff] ... He's in his head a lot.

Spirit:  No fragrance. No fragrance now, because I'm mental. I'm in a confined ... I don't want to say box ... but mental trap, like mental jail.

G:  What kind of paths has he walked? Has he walked any paths yet?

Siddhananda: They'll hear your voice, too, Guruji, and that's all good. He's [saying] not too much. He'd like to know more. He hasn't really [walked any paths]. He's lived a regular, more mundane [life]. He hasn't been a seeker. He hasn't been a God person, I guess, is the feeling, and he's been locked in his mind. Something happened on the other side that brought him here. I can say he's never even walked a path, ... nothing ... and he's in a cage of his mind.

G: Um hmm. Okay, I want them to show him a picture of Krishna.

Siddhananda: (nodding) Okay. Mentally, would you like me to do that?

G: Yeah ... yeah.

Siddhananda: Send one to him?

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Like Krishna, the goats, or what? Tell me more.

G: No, Krishna ... Krishna ...

Siddhananda: ... the love?

G: Yeah ... yeah. Bhakti.

Siddhananda: The love .... the love? ... the Bhakti.

G:  Bhakti ... Bhakti ... the Krishna Bhakti.

Siddhananda: No, I didn't think he was a goat, but sometimes I think he was with some animals. Was that Krishna?

G: No

Siddhananda: No? Okay ... but that's okay ... the loving ... that love, Bhakti Krishna feeling.

G: Mm hmm (nodding).

Siddhananda: Okay (pausing with eyes closed). I'm seeing that image. He's saying, "powerful, powerful ... powerful!"

G: Yeah. Krishna is all geared to love, and [it's] lighter, and love. If he has an affinity with that, with Krishna, and the flute playing, and [those] things, he can begin to open ... open to that.

Siddhananda: Yeah. He's saying that he doesn't know what he really, totally has an affinity for, but he knows that that was a powerful image, and feeling more to bring him [out]. I just see the box, the jail, and I see a heart in it. Maybe with that heart in it, it had something softer in there than these hard edges.

G: Yeah. That's why I'm saying the Krishna [Bhakti] is very soft, and very ... you know ... (closing her eyes , she begins to chant the Krishna Naama Sankirtan from the heart) ... 
                 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
                 Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 
                 Hare Ram Hare Ram
                 Ram Ram Hare Hare

[This] can help him to open up his heart. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare, Hare.

G and Siddhananda: (sitting with eyes closed within the resonance of the chant in silence)

Siddhananda: Mm Hmm ... I see in that box ... it's a jail box, but it's got some light coming from that. (shaking her head slightly) ... with this long held stuff, it's not going to happen overnight, but certainly, it is penetrating in there. I see that cage with the light that is in there.

G:  Yeah. He can ask for the light, and the heart of Krishna to come to him. (closing her eyes) May he open to the light, and the heart of Krishna, that he might feel that ... go forward into that more ... explore that.

Siddhananda: (pausing with eyes closed)

G: May Krishna come from Krishna-loka (closing her eyes), and spend some time with this individual, and let him see what's there in the heavenlies, to open his heart.

Siddhananda: I do see an image of Krishna by that box, with the flute, and the peaceful presence of love.

G: Mm hmm, yeah. Maybe Krishna can play the flute, so that he can hear the music and connect, and maybe open the box.

Siddhananda: This is happening now. There's a flowing ... there's a flowing light coming from the music, and there is an opening. There is a bit of an opening there. There's still that box, but there's some opening, like an opening of the trap door that was locked.

G: Mm hmm ... it's starting to [open], yeah.

Siddhananda: Even though he's still in it, he's kind of  like ... "Oh, maybe I can relax, and just let life in a little."

G: Yeah. Let the music in. Let life in.

Siddhananda: He's been so held in these hard edges, I guess. He's just like ... "Oh, I can just really kind of sit and soak this in." It's this kind of feeling (gesturing as if a ton of weight has just been lifted off of her).

G: Right. Right. (closing her eyes) He can go, and he can listen to the music, and he can dance. Krishna is dance, and light, and love. He can dance. He can break out of the box, and have that enjoyment, and forget the mind, and all that ... and just enter that dance, enter that celebration of life.

Siddhananda: He's still in the box, but there's light, and it's more open. He's just listening. He's letting it come through. He's just kind of ... "ooohhh ! ... (heaving a great sigh of relief) ... It's been sooo long with this mind.  I'm so ... ." It's like .... "Ooohhh!" ... (sighing with great relief and relaxing with the weight lifted off)."  You know, it's like that.

G: Yeah.

Spirit:  (sighing again) I can finally just melt a little. Finally! I've been holding so tight.

G: If you want to really be able to melt with it, you have to open the box, be willing to open the door, and let that light through.

Siddhananda: He's afraid.

G: Well, there's nothing to fear. Do you not hear the beauty of the music? Do you not hear the beauty?

Siddhananda: He's definitely pondering this.

G: Yeah. You can choose the mental spin, and stay in that anguish, or you can open the door and let that light force, let that life force in.

Siddhananda: There's some dissolution. He's like ... "huuuhhh!" (sighing as every muscle melts into relaxation).  It's almost like he gave me more of that ... like going more into a relaxed [state].

Spirit: I can just take this in. I don't have to hold so tight.

G: Yeah (nodding).

Siddhananda: There's dissolution. I do still see some bars, and there's some dissolution,  though. It's definitely coming, and very quickly. Krishna is there with his flute, and there's rolling hills.

G: (closing her eyes) May we ask for the light from the other masters? That they would [assist], and that Christ, as well, would surround this individual, and bring him to the light. Give him enough strength to open the door for his benefit.

Siddhananda: Yeah, there is Christ and Krishna there now, immediately.

G: Yeah. Give him the strength and the faith to open door.

Siddhananda: He's still in the box, but, like I say, it is dissolving, and it's more open. It's like there's just two sides to it now. There's not the four that are so enclosed. Christ is there with the open arms, and the flame in the heart, with the love, and the purity. Krishna is there with the flute. The light is just so loving, you know? It's SO loving. It's saying, "Why are you holding?"

G:  Exactly!

The Light: "Why? I've always been here, child, for you."

G: Right, exactly.

The Light: "I love you always . Always I have. You never had to fear from me."

G: Right.

Siddhananda: (taking in a deep breath, then closing her eyes) There is a feeling that it is going now for him. I see him just sitting there without that cage. I see him sitting almost like a child there, looking up in wonder (tears welling up).

G: Right. All you have to do is stretch out your hand. That's all you have to do is stretch out your hand and ... (holding both hands out with open palms in gesture of asking from the heart) ... they are happy to give.

Siddhananda:  He's sitting there with them. It's an image more of a child. It's a man, but feeling like a child ... a little vulnerable, afraid, but without those confinements around him, and just in wonder like ... "I'm loved." You know?

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: He's starting to feel that with like, "I'm loved. I'm not alone."

G: Right. You're never alone. God is always present if you open your heart to it. If you try to keep your heart sealed to protect yourself, there's no protection there. There's only a jail, and no love can come in then.

Siddhananda: You know, I immediately saw that jail just blowing [away]. I don't know what force was there, but it did push it away, and he's still there with that. He's fine.

G: Yeah (nodding).

Siddhananda: He's a little nervous that that jail is going a little farther away, though. I kind of feel a little ... (shifting her body from side to side to indicate some wavering, or apprehension). He's turning his eyes toward God and Krishna, not towards that. You know, so ...

G:  ... he's making progress.

Siddhananda: Yeah!

G:  Slowly by slowly (nodding with approval).

Siddhananda: It's very much of a sweet, gentle energy. It's not a yanking, or a ... you have to do, or don't do. That jail is even open there if he wants to go back to that, he can.

G:  Right. There's always free will.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G:  That's why he's the one who has to open his heart, and move from that position. All you have to do is take one step from that position, and it will be given to you immediately.

Siddhananda: Right, because that door is open to the jail.

G: The door is open.

Siddhananda: The door is sitting behind him, but he's in the peace. So, it's not like he ... okay, so what would you like? I mean, you always have your own [will].

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Nothing is taken from you that you're not willing to give in that regard. You know?

G: Exactly!  Exactly!

Siddhananda: So, that's the scene now, and he's, slowly by slowly, feeling that music come into him ... wafting. It's just this gentle feeling of music softening his being, and feeling more like he's made a safety net around himself. That's all. There's some tears, but it's all good.

G: Mm hmm. Rather than having a safety net of the jail, have the safety net of the heart of God. Much better safety net (laughing softly and smiling).

Siddhananda: He hears you. He's just kind of not able to fully take this all in. It's a lot ... in goodness, but it is such a shift. He's okay with just sitting there, just listening now. He could even sleep there nicely, and be in a safe feeling.

G: Right.

Siddhananda:  So, ... (closing her eyes)

G: (closing her eyes) I just pray that he feels safe enough to open his heart to more light and love, and let that in.  

Siddhananda: Well, that's helping the energy ... (inaudible).

G:  (continuing with the blessing) So the mind can still. So the mind can still. So the mind can still.

G and Siddhananda: (Both sitting in silence with closed eyes)

G:  May the mind be submerged in the heart. May the heart enter stillness. May he find peace.

Siddhananda: Some of that imagery is dissolving. It's just more, again, that light in the heart (placing both hands on her heart). I'm seeing and feeling some imagery of Mary. It's just a gentle, sweet feeling.  Some of that is dissolving, but there's still some bits.

G and Siddhananda: (sitting in silence for a time)

G: So, we just thank the Universe, the masters, and God for this. We thank Christ, and thank Krishna for coming to the aid of this soul.

G and Siddhananda: (both sitting in silence)

G:  And, so, we will leave them to that (gesturing namaste and laughing)

Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste with a big smile)

G: He's in very good hands on the other side (smiling).

Siddhananda: Oh, yeah (nodding).

G: So, we can leave them like that.

Siddhananda: No doubt.


  1. very heartfelt and nicely transcribed... thank you!

  2. Namaste- Realy enjoyed this one and can feel that divine energy coming from it...Om

  3. A very heartfelt message. Beautiful loving energy emanating from this exchange and it is so very appreciated here. Great reminders of a free will and the choice that is always at hand. Great appreciation. Om shanti.

  4. Namaste, such a wonderful piece! I shared some excerpts!


  5. Namaste. Such a beautiful, beautiful, stilling energy emanating from this one. The way Guruji and Siddhananda guided this spirit out of anguish was just so stirring. The transcription pales in comparison to the recording. See the 8/25/15 @ 1:16:06 - 1:32:03 for another viewing. Om Shanti -namita

  6. Namaste - wow powerful one, brought tears to my eyes. A lot of gems of wisdom here - thank you!
