Wednesday, November 4, 2015

All is God

Siddhananda:  There is another dark stone (holding it up), a little dark one. As I’m looking at that stone, it becomes a really nice beautiful rich purple color… lavender. Very nice! In the center is a very light lavender with a lot of light coming off of it… really pretty. It feels like more of a message type of thing.

So it’s kind of like a cone coming up (moving fingers upwards) in the center. As you go down is a diamond… very, very pretty… kind of like a light, light purple with a rich deep purple around it.

G:  Beautiful!

Siddhananda:  It is, it really is. They are just saying that all is god and to be still. So I think it’s more of a nice message.

G:  Thank you for that (gestures with namaste hands). So, be still. Good message!


  1. namaste, beautiful and simple.. om shanti

  2. Namaste, hearing this message is always good- thank you

  3. Namaste- love the color imagery and message!

  4. Very nice. Simple and nice. Thank you.

  5. Namaste, Simple yet potent message that pulls one right into quietude while reading. beautiful. om

  6. Namaste- Very nice imagery and colour to this message..Om

  7. Namaste,

    Simple message of being still with a beautiful image to deepen the quiet.


  8. Namaste, Thank you for the message.
