Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Going back to Experience

G: This is a check in with the ones that have been in stillness to see if they are ready to come out of it.

This is a boy that wanted to go back to india during the time it was pure and re-experience that time.

Siddhananda: This one, oh this is the indian boy.

G: One of them, yes, the indian boy. We have one, yes, the indian.

Siddhananda: He's still there. Boy, he is loving that body.

G: He is loving re-experiencing the body.

Siddhananda: He does not want to come out of that body...and I just see him, he is translucent and radiating light. He is so, so beautiful. He is saintly, sitting in the lotus position. It's almost like he doesn't exist on the earthly plane, but he is in body. He is very quiet, but he knows he is in body and  in that time and does not want to leave it.

G: Does he know he is going to have to leave the body in order to transcend?

Siddhananda: Yes.

G: Okay, he can stay there for awhile, but he has got to realize that if he wants to complete, he is going to have to leave that space.

Siddhananda: He understands this, but he wants more time in this experience.

G: Okay, so we will leave him there for now. Here he goes, back he goes..

(Siddhananda laughing).

G: He is probably up in the himalayas somewhere.  Nine out of ten he is probably up in the himalayas somewhere by the shiva.


  1. Namaste, interesting to cross path's with a spiritually advanced boy, and to hear that he is most likely in the Himalayas somewhere. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Namaste. The Golden Age of India must have been an amazing time for such a one to want to want take form and go back.

  3. Namaste - interesting piece about the old pure times of India...

  4. Namaste, interesting that one can chose to be in a body at a different time, shows the transient nature of time and body, all just an experience. OM

  5. Haha! Beautiful. Can feel his presence. Sweet and innocent. Every message brings in a different energy. So potent and beautiful. Wow! Amazing. Just amazing. Thank you. Ommm

  6. Namaste - very nice imagery with this one..Om
