Thursday, November 5, 2015

Great Baba Light

Siddhananda:  (showing a transparent rock shaped like a heart) I don’ t know where I am getting this, but I am hearing, "great Baba light."

G:  Great Baba light. Okay.

Spirit:  Great baba light of love. Baba presence. Baba blessings. No birth ... no death. Great baba.

G:  Good, okay. Which one was that?

Siddhananda:  This was a little clear one. I don't know. I don’t remember. I‘m sure we had some ... I don't know (laughing lightly as she shrugs her shoulders).

G:  I don’t know who that one is.

Siddhananda:  I'm seeing some of the babas there. I don’t know, let's see.

Spirit:  Great baba light ... great baba fire like a dhuni.

G:  Yeah, burn like the dhuni ... like the light (nodding her head and smiling).

Spirit:   Dhuni fire!

G:  That's what that is, becoming that Shiva presence to find out what it really is and is not. Yeah, exactly.

Siddhananda:  Wow ... I see a really nice fire! I do see some other babas around him. Maybe he is trying to help that energy ... the baba energy. Yeah, I think that’s it.  I think he’s trying to send that to that population to get that burning going ... a true effort to get that fire burning.

G:  Yes, to give what that really entails. So many of them are caught up in the externals, and they don’t get the full realization of what it is.

Siddhananda:  That's it. I do see how those babas live there ... so many are not focused on the true journey, the true path.

G:  Yes, it's true.

Siddhananda:  This light is so bright. He  wants to spark their passion to move forward in the right direction

G:  Right! Less drugs ... let's do it the right way (nodding the head with big yeses).

Spirit: Dhuni fire burn bright like Shiva to burn away impurities (seeing a fire growing higher)

Siddhananda:  Those babas are a little bit like ... Whoa! (leaning back with big eyes) ... where did that come from? That fire really grew up ... grew big. They stopped whatever they were doing with their Ganja and all that (chuckling) and are kind of ... Wooow! ... what's happening here (leaning back again with an expression of startled surprise)!

G:   Yeah, they need a wake-up call ... they need to wake up (raising her eyebrows with a slight smile and giving one decisive nod of yes).

Spirit: (the fire is growing taller and taller) Great Baba light, burning tall, burning bright, burn away the bad stuff. Burn away the wrong.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, so he's working on that , this one , and it’s growing (speaking emphatically).

G:  Good. Fabulous.

Siddhananda:  So, let him move on and continue with that, huh?

G:  Yeah, he can move on, and if he wants to visit the healing center on occasion, that would be excellent.  We might have to call him in if we get any more babas (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Yeah, because as I'm holding this rock and shut my eyes, I see a fire coming from it (sweeping her hand upwards to indicate fire flaming up) ... that dhuni fire that's really bright, and strong and purifying (opening her eyes wide and pursing her lips slightly).

G:  So, for now on, he's Great Baba Light.

Siddhananda:  He’s a Great Baba Light (laughing) ... he's Great Baba Light (smiling and placing her hand over her heart).

G:  Ask Great Baba Light if he will come back if we have any more sadhus that need some help?

Great Baba Light: Yes, yes, yeees (speaking with an Indian accent, deep voice and bowing)! Yes, yes, yes. He hears G.

G:  Maybe he can go visit Sundar Puri and wake him out of his drug induced stuff?

Siddhananda:  He heard you and he will give it his best shot. He did hear you and yes, he knows ... he knows.  Great Baba Light! Thank you Great Baba Light (placing hand over the heart and bowing slightly).

G:  Great Baba Light (placing her hand over her heart and smiling).

Siddhananda:  Great Baba Light (leaning forward with laughter).

G:  Great Baba Light was really fun this morning.

Siddhananda:  Really, fun! I just don't know what's ever gonna happen. That was really fun. Great Baba Light (chortling) ... I love the name (smiling and rocking from side to side).

G:  Yeah, Great Baba Light ... that's good (smiling big). I can see that dhuni (sweeping both hands upward to indicate flames shooting up) and them finally getting the import of the dhuni ... how it needs to burn within, too. It needs to burn those impurities.

Siddhananda:  That's right, exactly, yeah. It's just going to keep growing until you notice it.

G: Yeah, it's not giving up easily (laughing)..

Siddhananda: (laughing) Yeah, that was great.


  1. Beautiful burning Baba light!! Feels hot in here as reading this. Amazing read that comes alive in the heart. Magic is what they call it :-) Thank you. Om shanti

  2. Namaste, this has a very poetic feeling to it while at the same time giving a message. The essence is missed by the Baba community these days, great to have this spirit aiding.

  3. Namaste, so good to feel great baba light presence again.. may the dhuni continue to grow big and burn away the dross.. thank you for this one.. shanti om

  4. Namaste - love the Great Baba Light!

  5. Namaste. Great Baba Light is awesome! Glad he's there for the sadhus and humanity. Yes, let the garbage burn away. Let it burn, Great Baba Light! OM

  6. Namaste, the dhuni resonates well. keep the fire burning. thank you for bringing this message. OM

  7. Namaste/\ and Thank You, Great Baba Light. Light 'em up! Hahaha Yes, drugs not the way. All that is needed to progress is at hand and in Heart and a lil fire or 2x4 dose of Wake Up!! haha. Great Baba Light. Yes, love the name : ) /\

  8. Namaste- The world needs more of that fire to be purified for sure..Om

  9. Namaste.. Nice to see Great Baba light showing the true way of fire of purification that the babas should be pursuing. One of the most interesting spirits to come through for sure..

  10. Namaste, let the dross burn. Thank you Great Baba Light.
