Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Blessings for Rebirth

Siddhananda:  So, there’s the next one (showing a grayish rock). There’s light coming from this stone. They have questions about rebirth.

G:  Okay.

Siddhananda:  But, they look like they're so much made of love, I don’t know (pausing). So, they are not worried about rebirth for themselves.

G:  Okay.

Siddhananda:  It's more for others.

G:  So, what is their question with that?

Siddhananda:   They’re just sending really good energy for more auspicious rebirths for the planet in terms of rebirth and re-growth. There's just a stream of white energy.  It’s really lovely.

G:  Hopefully, the ones coming in for rebirth will go for the higher things and pick higher births.  Some of them, when they leave, get reborn sometimes almost immediately if they are attached to more mundane stuff, you know. They can be attached to things, take rebirth really quick, and don't do it on a spiritual level.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, that’s true.  All sorts of things like that happen.

G:  When they're attached to worldly things ... attached to drugs, attached to sex, or they're attached to something ... they sometimes will be drawn into a body real quick and do not come to the other side to take time for growth.

Siddhananda:  There you go. It makes sense ... the need to reflect ... to have some time to see what really took place, and change that.  But, you’re right.  If they are so fuzzy, or sometimes so out of it for whatever reasons ... drugs,  or this or that …

G:   ... then they just want to get back into a form to continue on with that stuff.

Siddhananda:  Ew, yeah, that's definitely not good.  (Pause) 
This spirit is just really graceful. They're moving around ... so fluid and light … there are some lotus flowers…really, very, very lovely, fluid energy that’s just there doing their best to help.  That's all I can say. They don’t have any questions.

G:  Yeah, it sounds like they're just a helper spirit who wanted to wish the best for humanity (smiling happily).

Siddhananda:  (placing her hand on the heart) And we’ll take that. That’s beautiful.

G:  (in good spirit and chuckling)

Siddhananda:  Beautiful, beautiful energy.  Some of these energies ... people need to know they are there!  C’mon! You know, what can I say? They're all around, you know?

G:  Exactly.

Siddhananda:  Partake in it, pleeaase!


  1. very nice... may humanity open up to this loving, light-filled energy...

  2. Namaste, interesting how those attached to mundane things take rebirth quickly and continue - looks like that will go on and on until they make a choice to break free of that. Nice to have a helper spirit wishing the best for humanity. Thank you for the message

  3. Namaste. So many beautiful energies that have come to help. deep gratitude for their presence here. a wonder. om shanti

  4. Namaste - very interesting information about re-birth. What a wonderful light, and a great blessing for future higher births!

  5. It's a very nice message. It is all around. Interesting to get an insight on how things work with rebirth. Priceless information for spiritual growth. Thank you. Omm.

  6. Namaste- Nice to hear help is ever present..Om

  7. Namaste.. Good reminder for those who do have brith right now to divert their lives to higher births instead of mundane worldly stuff. Interesting to see how spirits don't take time to reflect upon their lives and go on with the same old stuff. Nice to be reminded upon the need for reflection towards a higher birth, instead of chasing the mundane stuff. Om

  8. Namaste & thank you for these helpful spirits down here... We sure need them! OM

  9. Namaste, Good to hear of the helpful energies out there.
