Monday, November 2, 2015

Replenish the Earth

Siddhananda:  So, we’ve got the little brown lingam back (holding the stone up to the camera). We’ll see what’s in it today (smiling with a slight apprehension).

G:  Oooh, we’re back to another lingaaaa! (smiling)  

Siddhananda:  We’ll see what happeeens (speaking in a sing-song way).

G:  The wild card came back (chuckling)!

Siddhananda:  I know. So, this one is brown... I don't know... it doesn’t matter, but the others are black. I see the brown lingam sitting there as browny lingamy as it is (laughing).

G:  Ah-ha-ha-ha... it's little, brown lingam self (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Yep, it's little brown lingam self sittin’ there. There’s some energy. It’s clear energy that's kind of vibrating from it. It’s not even white, but you can see the energy around the outside edge of the rock. It's clear and vibrating pretty rapidly.  I'm trying to see what’s coming from that lingam because something is growing out of  it. I can't quite tell, but it's a stream of energy.  Okay, let me see … (long pause). They’re not answering to questions yet.  I think they’re just wanting to display this. It is turning more pinkish looking, and, on the other side, there’s something moving... growing. I’m hearing they may be more of an earth type energy.

G:  Okay.

Siddhananda:  (pause) They are kind of an aide for growth. I think that’s what they’re trying to say.

G:  Aiding in growth …

Siddhananda:  Yeah... which is interesting. I don’t know if they have to do more with earth.  That's all I can tell you right now (chuckling).

G:   …More planetary growth and stuff like that. So, they're there to aid in that. That’s good.

Siddhananda:  Totally ... and we like earth!  They're showing very wonderful moist dark rich, rich, rich earth.

G:  We need that because it's very depleted.

Siddhananda:  That’s it. Very good. Exactly.

G:  ... Very depleted.  Growing vegetables ... they are not healthy anymore. They're very depleted of minerals, etc.

Siddhananda:  (with a sympathetic expression) That’s the thing. But, with the way this earth looks, you don’t even see that.  It’s just dark.  It’s almost black with rich, rich, rich nutrients and soil.  And I do see some roots in there... white roots, and I see something is sprouting. It’s wonderful. This is being displayed like a light burst.  It’s saying that that’s there and the sun is there.

G:  It needs to have some planetary healing.

Siddhananda: Ohhh, yeah ... that’s the whole message.

G:  Like I said, the earth is so depleted of minerals and stuff and it really does need to be regenerated.

Siddhananda:  They are showing some dry, cracked earth ... and then, I see this other image showing ... this is what it could be. This is what it has potential for.

G:  Yeah ... yeah (nodding in agreement).

Siddhananda:  They are showing a sun. They want to help in that way, with that kind of sun energy, to help refresh the soil and the earth ... to help things grow again, which is such a lovely image.

G:  We need it ... we need it.

Siddhananda:  Totally.  From that, I see these wonderful groves of different sorts of vegetables, fruits, all these things that ...

G:  It’s become so bad now with all the stuff that's genetically engineered ... the corn and everything.  It’s not healthy. It’s not good for you.

Siddhananda:  No.

G: They genetically modify things to make it more easy to grow.  It’s not good.  It’s not healthy. None of those things are healthy.

Siddhananda:  Exactly.  They showed an image of junk food. I think they’re saying junk food for spirit isn't good.  It’s both. It’s what you take in (into the body),  ... but also what you are taking into your spirit. Maybe a lot of people are taking in junk food for their spirit.

G:  Right.

Siddhananda:   This is here as spirit to say, “Take in the rich nutrients for your spirit.”

G:  Right.  So, again, we've got to watch ... get a handle on things like the genetically modified fruits, and vegetables, and stuff, too, because they are really not good ... not good at all.

Siddhananda:  For sure. Both.  It’s really speaking to both.  Exactly.  Absolutely ... absolutely!

G:  The junk food is easier to manage, but the genetically modified stuff is in a lot of things ... especially corn ... a lot of it is genetically modified now.  Really not good for you at all.  More and more is becoming genetically modified.  So, hopefully, they get a handle on that. It's really not good, and it can get turned around to healthy things again.

Siddhananda:  So, maybe we should go back to the old ad from yesterday:  “Support your local farmers.”

G:  There you go!

Siddhananda: I mean, really, support some of your local things.

G:  Well, the farmers that are not using genetically modified crops.

Siddhananda:  Right, but a lot of them don’t. That’s why they are a little more expensive.

G:  Right.

Siddhananda:  The chicken, grass fed… and the good healthy organically grown stuff is a little pricier, but to support that. That’s just me talking, not what the lingam is saying.

G:  Right.

Siddhananda:  Anyway, the point is they're there ... that sun is there, too … if people bring some awareness to that … that earth, these things, do need to be replenished.  It is such a beautiful image of this dark, rich, black soil and the sun that is there.

G:  Yes, it's possible to turn it around.  We’re going to have to make more efforts to just do it. Thank you for that (laughing and placing the hand over the heart with gratitude).

Siddhananda:  Thank you (placing the hand over the heart).  I saw wonderful, rich foods they wanted to display, fruits and vegetables. It’s making me hungry!

G:  Yeah, me too!

Siddhananda:  Looks so good. Give me a nice, fresh juice right now. I’ll take it!


  1. Namaste. Very glad that this topic is being addressed in this message. It's an important one and is a message that I think a lot of people are increasingly waking up to. Big Ag companies and their affiliates seem to have a stranglehold on food production and distribution, but with the big shift perhaps this will change. In the mean time, loving my local farmers markets and a little group that gathers goodies from city garden growers and local health food stores to distribute free of charge which help so much to bring the cost down for those on a limited budget. om shanti - namita

  2. Namaste - yes an important message about how our food needs to be cared for just as our spirit does. Thank you!

  3. Namaste, it's good to hear this message. It is hoped that this and other broadcasting about the benefits of returning to natural foods will have an impact in changing the current situation. Thank you for the message !

  4. Nice! Made me hungry here haha! Great message. Thank you. I like the picture as well. Yummy.

  5. Namaste, Great reminders on the state of affairs....
