Monday, November 23, 2015

God is the Zero

Siddhananda: There's a connection with Amir, or an Aditya connection.

G: Mmm hmm, okay.

Siddhananda: So, he's a logical man. He's a stubborn man (laughing). Another stubborn one (closing her eyes).

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda:  I just see computations, some math ... meaning that's how he is. He's logic based.
G: Right.

Siddhananda: He has not pierced through that. He's curious here. He's a man that was looked up to for his, I am just seeing, math.

G: Math? Mmm hmm.

Siddhananda: Maybe, he was someone that was very revered for whatever kind of, you know, computation. I don't know, maybe a scientist.

G: Right, there are some that think in computations. I have met someone like that. They think in computations. So, let me give him something to aid him at this point.

Siddhananda: Oh, okay.

G: The best thing you could do now is to start to contemplate God as the zero.

Siddhananda: Mmmm ... it hit him so strong there ... (pausing). He can barely speak. I can see the zero in his heart. It's like something that went right there.
G: Yeah, God is not the one. God is the zero.

Siddhananda: I can see numbers being absorbed into that thing (gesturing with her hands as if numbers are streaming down through the head into the heart center).

G: Right, because he thinks in computations.

Siddhananda: Yeah, you've got him, it sounds like. That's me speaking for him. I mean, that was me speaking, and not him (pausing). He's in his heart.
G: Yeah, he can stay there to contemplate that for a while. As a math [type being], that will ... (turning her hands over one another to indicate processing). It's like a math machine, you put that in there, and that ... (gesturing to indicate it's working through the mind). They think in computations, so that's the best way for him to begin to understand that, and open to that.

Siddhananda: And, I'm speaking about the situation. He's unable to speak real clear now. He said ... I'm saying for him ... [this] is one of the first times [he can't speak], because usually he can speak quite clear, but this has broken down some kind of logic, I guess.  I can just see 1 2 3 4 going into this zero and this light ... (clasping both hands over the heart center) ...  1 2 3 4 5 6 ... you know, it's just all kind of like coming ... (gesturing to show a streaming flow).

G: Yeah, it's all of them dissolving into that.

Siddhananda: Yes, it's just like a string of those numbers coming into that, and there is a light, and then, the zero (making a zero with her fingers, then folding the hands over the heart center). He's floored because this has never... he can't use his logic at the moment in the way he [did] before (laughing). Again, he's quieter. "This is the source from what that comes from," he's saying.

G: Right, right.

Siddhananda: And, that is?

G: The zero adds value to all the numbers, yet it has no value in itself. It's empty in nature, yet it gives all to everything. So, all of this he's going to be computing in his mind through numbers.

Siddhananda: Yes, ...  again, he's quieter, but I can feel the energy of it.

Spirit: Those are shafts of light from this singular zero.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Those are not the thing. He's been stuck in that, ...  the numbers versus the emptiness where they come from.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: I think he's quite fine right now.

G: Okay, thank you for coming. Namaste (holding hands together and laughing).

Siddhananda: Okay ... good work (laughing)! I know you've known someone like that, similar, right?

G: I have. When I lived in Rishikesh, there was a math professor there that had written a paper that only like 16 people on the planet would understand, and all of his thinking was done in computation. He overheard me one day saying, God is the zero. He just like ... (gesturing to indicate someone startled to full attention). That drew him immediately.

Siddhananda: For sure.

G: We had some nice conversations and things.

Siddhananda: Mmmm ... that's been a good thing here. It's carried on forward.

G: Yeah, you know, I asked him to do [the internal journey]. He said maybe one day he will do a leisurely inventory of himself, but then he said, no, he doesn't want to see what's there (laughing).

Siddhananda: Oh, jeez ... that's funny (smiling broadly).

G: Yeah, it was very interesting to meet someone that does think in computations.

Siddhananda: Really fascinating ... fascinating. I can see how that is now. I mean, I've never been that way, so that's just interesting.

G: Neither have I (laughing).

Siddhananda: Right ... to venture in there and see it, and [be] like ... Oh, that's how it is, okay.

G: I am not a logic, math type person, but, yeah, he was very shocked when I said that, and we had some nice conversations and things.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: He wanted to know if I was a math person, because he got it when I said that, and he was just shocked. I said, no, I have nothing to do with math (laughing).

Siddhananda: Hmm, interesting. We have come to the core of lot of things, so that's what really matters.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Alright, so moving forward!


  1. Namaste - this one is interesting - to think in numbers. Love that this spirit could not speak after Guruji's words of wisdom.

  2. Namaste, thank you. Great and interesting at the same time. Glad the math dude spirit has moved forward :-) Always glad to hear. Om shanti.

  3. namaste, always good when logical mind gets broken through..shanti om

  4. Namaste- interesting to hear how people who use logic to see the world, and how it fails to get to the Heart of all..Om

  5. Namaste, an interesting session with a clear cutting pointer hitting the core, thank you. OM

  6. Namaste, a zinger for the right one.

  7. Namaste, this reminds me of an interview I saw just the other day on T.V. and it was a man with *Asperger* aka Autism who could do amazing thing like learn a new language in one week and do a live interview in that language that same week... Anyways, he was describing how his mother tongue was *numbers* and ALL words and colours for him where all *numbers* and also had a particular 3D imagery associated with each... It was like listening to an extraterrestrial really! Loll ;-) Quite fascinating however!!!
