Saturday, November 14, 2015

Moving Forward

Siddhananda: This one has a bit more thunder and lightning. I think there's some disharmony in it, but not that it wants to be ... just saying that they're in some kind of turmoil within.

G: Hmm hmm, okay.

Siddhananda: They liked that nature sprite (laughing, referring to something that was talked about before picking this rock).

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: "Can they come and be with me?" (saying pleadingly and laughing) ... No, um ...'cause they're in more of a turmoil.

G: Right, they'd like to have that new growth, new awakening, yeah (smiling).

Siddhananda: They love that nature sprite (laughing) ... so, anyway. They are wondering how to ... they don't feel like they've really ... they're just stuck in this turmoil. I just see some lightning, too.

G: What's it connected to? [Are you] getting anything about that?

Siddhananda: Depression

G: About what?

Siddhananda: Depression

G: Depression from what?

Siddhananda: This feels more like an energy of depression.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Sadness ... depression ... Gosh, I can't feel exactly what it's coming from. [They've] just been stuck there, you know (pausing). Yeah, I'm not really getting anything else.

G: Yeah, one has to be willing to open up to moving beyond that depression, ... opening and taking baby steps, and finding in your life, or in your existence, wherever you are, [gratitude]. What I've always given my students to do is to make a diary, and to keep (write down) three things, at least, that you're grateful for each day. You have to open to gratitude ... be willing to get rid of the depression, and be willing to dance with life. Now, if you like the nature sprite and things, you might want to try to open yourself to nature and see the beauty in that. 

Siddhananda: I am seeing more lightness just by you speaking. I see kind of a ray of light.

G: Yeah, but you have to open yourself to it and allow that to be. Rather than focusing on the depression and keep on drawing yourself deeper, and deeper, and deeper into that. You have to be willing to open,  and then see the beauty. Go towards the positive things, the positive thoughts ... the positive.

Siddhananda: It sounds like you're very helpful, because I see some shifting. It seems more like he/she needed permission because ...I don't know, I guess they felt this was a part of them.

G: No, it's not part of you. It's not part of you.

Siddhananda: ... of what they were, you know.

G: Right. It's never what you are. What it is, is you've adopted some things from whatever life you were in and didn't find your way out of it. You just got on the pity-party, I call it the pity party bandwagon. You got yourself stuck in this morose state, but you don't have to remain there. You can open yourself to more positive things and begin to look. If you enjoy nature, then spend time with nature. See the things that you're grateful for. If you can open to gratitude and the beauty, then you can let go of the other stuff, and put your focus and your mind in there [positive things] versus a morose [state].

Siddhananda: The image I'm getting is a little bit of sprouting, showing that there is hope there.

G: Right. So, go into that greenness. See the beauty of that green and let that flood your being ...  that green ... that nature ... that beauty ... that renewal.

Siddhananda: It sounds like this person has a good heart, but they were really weighed down by this, for whatever reason. They almost felt like it was who they were. They knew of nature and its cycles, but, I guess, they just needed permission.

G: Exactly. You don't need to stay stuck there. It's not who and what you are (shaking head no). You are that Divine light of being ... that light of all lights, okay?

Siddhananda: Thank you. They felt like that belonged to someone else.

G: No, no ... that's what gives you life. That infinite being of Light is within your heart or you would have no life. So, open to that Light. 

Siddhananda: Thank you.

G: Yeah, you're not that darkness. That darkness is the lie. 

Siddhananda: You know, the last thing that I'm seeing is that lightning bolt as a way of saying, "Can I have the mantras?"

G: Hmm hmm (nodding yes)

Siddhananda: What do you think?

G: Let me see which would be best (pausing). Yeah, she can have the COS ... will be better. The cutting [mantra] is not good for them at this point. The COS is much better, much lighter for them. She needs more of that. She doesn't need the cutting. She needs something that's ...

Siddhananda: ... like balancing ... and slowly (moving her hand in a circular motion around the heart center).

G: Yeah, yeah ... and more nature ... and that mantra goes more towards nature.

Siddhananda: She's saying,"Thank you. I don't know what's best for myself and I'm going to take that ... thank you so much."

G: Thank you. Namaste (holding hands together as namaste)

Siddhananda: (holding hands together as namaste)


  1. Namaste, great clarity of what to do with depression, thank you for the post.

  2. Namaste, what a great and timely message. So needed this right now. The gratitude is there. Just need to get it uncovered. Thank you. The beauty sings in the heart. Om.

  3. Namaste,
    "That infinite being of Light is within your heart or you would have no life."
    Love, Chris

  4. Namaste. Great pointings for the blues are greatly appreciated. The gratitude journal is such a simple, yet powerful practice. Thank you Guruji for incorporating it into the path! om shanti

  5. Namaste, great pointings on gratitude and moving forward, thank you. OM

  6. Namaste/\ Such a beneficial pointing. Thank you/\

  7. Namaste-Very nice helpful pointing out what is true and what is not...Om

  8. Namaste wonderful messages in this which can help so many people!

  9. Namaste and thank you to Guruji for this Great counsel!

  10. Namaste, Glad to see the spirit get help and move forward.
