Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wash with Grace

Siddhananda: (showing a transparent, clear stone) Let's see what else we've got here. God, just get my face out of there, please. Ugh, nosy face (smiling slightly)!

G: (chuckling)

Siddhananda: Okay, so there it is. It's got a nice whiteness around it. What do you have to say to us today? I'm seeing soap, like dove soap. Fresh.

G: Fresh, Dove soap (saying like the voice in an advertisement).

Siddhananda: What's the advertisement for Dove? I know there's something.

G: Yeah, that it's very mild.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's named dove.

G: It's very mild for the skin, very conditioning. It really takes care of things.

Siddhananda: Oh, so it gets rid of the impurities, but still mild, not harsh. So, they are reflecting a Dove soap. A lot of suds around it (smiling with amusement).

G: Now we've got commercials coming in (chuckling).

Siddhananda: (breaking out with laughter) Dove should pay us for this, right? I like the name. I mean, you can't beat that name, Dove. Dove bars, though, those are good, too (giggling).

G: Ice cream bars.

Siddhananda: Yeah, but anyway, the soap is there ... lovely and fresh (dramatizing theatrically)!

G: Yeah, I'm sure the bar would taste much better than the soap.

Siddhananda: (breaks out laughing again) Yeah, don't eat soap. We don't need to wash your mouth out with soap ... hopefully! Yeah, eat the bar instead, I just want to make that clear.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: So, this Dove soap is there and I see someone picking it up. They do have some dirt on their hands and they're washing, washing their hands, washing their face. I see the sink there and it's going down the drain. For some reason, they put the dirt on me and made me wash, too. I don't know.

G: Okay, so same thing. Take care of things, and it's time to flush it. Like I say, it's time to flush it. Don't hang on to all this dirt and all this crap. You need to let it go.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and I think with the Dove being reflected, [it's speaking to] how it is a purity that washes that. As you're saying, the mild ... the middle ground ... the balance versus too harsh in one direction, or not effective in the other ... just right.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, everyone wash with Dove today ... with Grace (placing her hand on her heart).

G: Wash with Grace today, yes.

Siddhananda: It's symbolic of Grace.

G: Look at what you need to get rid of. What's there that need to be changed in the life, and let's do it. You know, you can do it in a gentle manner. It doesn't to be a rough manner. So, let's do it in a gentle manner, but let's get rid of what needs to be gotten rid of. I think this seems to be the theme today.

Siddhananda: Oh, the washing, cleaning ...

G:  ... washing, and looking at what needs to be repaired, and taking care of stuff. It's time to get your things in order. It's kind of what it's looking like today. The overall message today is time to start being vigilant, time to start getting in order, start handling stuff, and don't keep putting it off.

Siddhananda: Right. It's kind of like maybe your car has been needing service for three months, and you've been ignoring it. What it's saying is come to some organization in yourself. [Establish] what your priorities are.

G: Right. Don't be like the one that visited that doesn't want to look at anything.

Siddhananda: That's right, exactly. Perfect example.

G: That things are simmering under the surface, and I just ignore it like it doesn't exist. No, you need to get a handle, and, again, don't become a weak link. Continue to be vigilant in your practices, in your daily life, or whatever it is.

Siddhananda: You know, I got a picture of tapestry as you were talking, because you're so good at weaving it all together and it's really nice. It gives an overall look at the bigger picture. It's nice, so thank you (placing her heart on her heart).

G: That's the theme of the day, apparently (laughing).

Siddhananda: That's it and it's a good one, because, you know, things get moldy ...

G: It is a good theme, yeah, because whether it's a spiritual path, daily life, or whatever, it's the same thing. You still need to handle things. You can't put it off and procrastinate forever, because you never know, from moment to moment, how long you'll have in this lifetime, or how much time you'll actually have to work on things.

Siddhananda: No doubt. The other thing that just flashed for me was ... action. You know, because the thing with a lot of people is that they just want to sit back where they're comfy and cozy, and just take these things in, but they don't take the action. 

G: That's right!

Siddhananda: You've got to take action.

G: You've got to put it into effect. You can't just think about it ... ruminate about it. You actually have to do it.

Siddhananda. Absolutely. So, very good messages, for sure, that came in from those, seemingly, funny imagery. It really has a lot of meaning, you know?


  1. love how some of the imagery is playful and fun, yet resonates so much of heart and the path to awakening .. great picture with this as well...thank you!

  2. It does resonate with the path so well. Playful yet to the point. Very nice. Thank you.

  3. Namaste, always good to hear the message- don't procrastinate, get life in order now. Thank you for this message

  4. Namaste ha ha love this piece and the message. What I love about spirit messages is that they put the message within context of today's world.

  5. dont waste this oppourtunity to move forward, love this messsage..Om

  6. Thank you for the *Doveness*! Great reminders on the Path...
