Friday, November 13, 2015


Siddhananda: (showing a small rock) our next little rock (chuckling).

ummm ... tethered ... that what's coming ... tethered. Tethered to ... I'm seeing like another world or earth ... tethered maybe to his other life. There's a rope there that's still attached to that ... like, he's here and there's the rope, and then the other solid world (motioning with her hands).

Spirit: How do I float away?

Siddhananda: I almost see a bow there (motioning with hand to indicate that it's hooked). There's a bow there that needs to be unhooked from there so that he can move forward.

G: What is the realm he's attached to?

Siddhananda: It sounds like some kind of physical ... maybe his other life, his past life before.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: He's still kind of tethered there. He's not it anymore, but he's still attached there. He wants to be unmoored. He wants to float away into the sunset.

G: I think he just needs to open himself to guidance from others that are there.

Spirit: Okay.

G: On that side of existence, there are others there that can give him guidance. I think it would be best to ask for that door to be opened, because they can speak with him a little more, and find out exactly what all he's going through. 

Spirit: Okay, thank you so much.


  1. namaste, hope he is riding off into that sunset now... shanti om

  2. Namaste, thank you for sharing. Hope all moved on now and on their way. Omm.

  3. Namaste -nice to see this spirit untethering itself!

  4. Namaste. Glad there are so many on the other side to help him. With his readiness and their help, he's probably sailing free now. I hope so. om shanti

  5. Namaste, interesting to see the aid available on the other side.

  6. Namaste and good luck!
