Friday, November 6, 2015

Freedom from Fear

Siddhananda: (showing a jade green, acorn shaped stone blended with golden amber tones) Okay, this one… (closing her eyes).

So, what I’m seeing is something about ... is it Christian Science ... Christian Science? Does that make sense? (directing her question to G)

G: Oh, yeah.  I know about Christian Science.

Siddhananda: I did see a flash of L.A., Los Angeles, and then I heard Christian Science.

G: Yeah ... do they want to ask a question about it or say something about it?

Siddhananda: They’ve been there.

G: Oh, okay ... doing Christian Science there.

Siddhananda: I don’t know ... they're saying something about they knew some of the celebrities.

G: Oh, it's not Christian Science. That would be Scientology.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: Christian Science is a totally different thing. Is it Christian Science or Scientology? It sounds more like Scientology.

Siddhananda: Right.

G:  I don’t know of a Christian Science thing there that deals with celebrities. Scientology, yes.

Siddhananda: Yes, they are spelling out more Scientology and they are reflecting L.A., and some of the celebrities.

G: Yeah, that would be Scientology.

Siddhananda: Okay, so that’s what that is. It takes some time to see clearly what’s there. I do see  L.A. I see the buildings ... I see the smog ... I see the busy-ness there, ... (pausing) and I feel the vibrant energy there (laughter). Hey, it’s a nice break from Florida!  So anyway (laughing), … they are out of body. So, let’s see…

G: What do they have to say about the joy of  Scientology (chuckling with a smile)?

Siddhananda: They don’t like it.

G: Of course not!

Siddhananda: They got involved in it, but they don’t like it, is all that I’m hearing.

G: Yeah ... I can tell you about Scientology.  I know about Scientology.  The further you go into it, the more they get into these entity things ... that you've got implants from entities and all that drama there.

Siddhananda: (furrowing her brow with a pained expression on her face)

G: It starts out okay. It starts out okay. It, basically, starts with getting a handle on your emotions and not being controlled by them and stuff. You're supposed to be releasing those, so that you can be in control. But the further you go into it, the more they go off and get skewed ... that you have some alien implants, and this and that. It just goes really off.

Siddhananda:  ... and that’s funny because I heard the word alien in there, and it just had a little bit of a creepy feeling.

G: Exactly. It does. The further you get into it, the more creepy it gets.

Siddhananda: Yeah (screwing up her eyes and nose in distaste). So, let’s see what else … ask where they're at now, maybe, with their journey?

G: Yeah, … or what they wanted to say about that. Yeah, but I know about Scientology.

Siddhananda: They hope that gets cleansed ... gets purified.

G: Yeah, we hope so, because it does go really off.  It takes people from wanting to get a handle on their emotions and make things better, ... but if somebody is really having mental health problems, they don’t get them help. They had some really bad things happen with kids with schizophrenia and stuff ... of being off their medication, and they wouldn't get them their medication. People have died from it. Some really bad stuff has happened. 

Siddhananda: (shaking her head slightly from side to side in disbelief with a look of concern on her face)

G: Like I said, the further you go, the more they indoctrinate you into a fear, that you need to be clear of these -  I forgot what they are called - engrams or whatever, but something implanted by aliens. It just really gets you off in a fear based ... [state of mind].

Siddhananda: That’s the way it feels.

G: Yeah, it's not good!

Siddhananda:  ... and a little bit prestigious, too, because I think that people who are involved in it, some of them, have a lot of money, you know.

G: Well, they do. Like I said, in the beginning, it sounds good because it’s, basically, ... [a process where] you keep repeating an emotional thing until it’s got no charge (motioning with her hands to indicate a repetitive cycle). So, that part of it sounds good. You can get beyond that stuff, ... but the further you go, the more they indoctrinate you into fear, and this and that, ... and aliens, and that they're controlling you. I mean, it really gets off, and it really can be harmful.

Siddhananda: That’s what it sounds like (closing her eyes). They are trying to put out some energy for that to be cleared. So, let me see what they're ... (pausing)

So, what I see with that ... at first, I saw a lighter, and then a darker [energy]. When they first started, they felt a little like “Oh!” (inflecting a more positive tone) ... and then it got dark (motioning with her hands to indicate a progression).

G: Yeah, it gets darker and darker as you go.

Siddhananda: It did make their life not so good. They confined themselves more. They were more afraid. They were not as open to life.

G: Exactly, ... fear based ... you get fear based, and you've got to push away people that are not. It becomes very cultish the further you go. Instead of opening up, and finding there’s nothing to fear, they get enclosed in a cloud of fear (moving her arms and hands in a large circle to indicate the extent of the enveloping cloud).

Siddhananda: That’s exactly it, because I do see some jail bars coming up. What happened is ... it’s a whole new set of conditionings that are heavier than before you came in ... in many ways.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, it's just a darkness that does keep a block there for you, and for life itself. You don’t talk to certain people ... and just all these things ... I’m different and they're ...

G: It’s the same things with that ... What was that ...  Shen Yun?

Siddhananda: Yeah, Shen Yun.

G: It starts out okay. The basic energetic practice is fine, but then you start getting into the philosophy  of it, and it goes way off. It goes way off into this thing where you need to protect yourself against this and that, and these other things. It goes really off.

Siddhananda:  ... and it controls your life. It runs your whole life. It’s kind of like an energy that ends up running you, running you in fear.

G:  Right. It’s not taking you to freedom at all. It's just used as a way to control you, yeah.

Siddhananda: And there’s a power thing to it.

G: It's used as way to control you. It is a power thing. It's not good.

Siddhananda:  It’s NOT good, and I think it's about power. It’s not good nourishment for what we’re needing here now. This spirit is portraying that with someone in a cell (speaking with some sadness in her voice). They just want to put that out to humanity a little bit about that particular philosophy that people are involved in called Scientology.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It was a prison to them is all they can reflect.

G:  Right.

Siddhananda: I think that they had broken relationships from it. It put a lot on something that was never there, and it just broke things apart for them.

G:  Exactly.

Siddhananda: They're saying it actually hurt their lives and heart. They knew some of the celebrities.

G: The good news is that they’re out of it now, and they can work from the other side to continue to break through that stuff. But, yeah, it's very, very sad.

Siddhananda: I think they did like some of the people in it. They liked some of them. And they didn’t seem like bad people at all. It's just that there's that potential there to really go off in the wrong direction.

G: Right. Exactly.

Siddhananda: Okay, so let’s see what else. I am seeing as we're speaking some of those bars being dissolved. They want to be on a purer path.  They want to learn from that and move on to a purer pathway now.

G: Right. So, if they would like, they can have the COS ... if they would like that.

Siddhananda: Good. They’ll gladly take that in, and I do see light radiating when you mentioned that. They are very grateful. Thank you.

G: Thank you (closing with namaste hands).

Siddhananda: So, interesting, huh?

G: Oh, yeah, I am familiar.

Siddhananda: I know you've had some experience with that.

G: I had some experience with it, yeah. I was initiated into the SeaOrg which is supposed to be a commitment for lifetimes in Scientology, but I got out very, very rapidly.

Siddhananda: Thank goodness!

G: I was there for a short time. I was involved in a lot of different things, but it was good because I got to see what the inner workings of them were. What they are and what they are not. So, I got a little bit of background in most of these things to see, again, what it is and what it is not, and how it's beneficial and how it's absolutely not.

Siddhananda: Which is so helpful.

G: People can really get caught up in that. You go in really sincerely, and you think that some of it, on the surface, sounds good, but the more you get into it, the more you see how it goes off. It's really not beneficial.

Siddhananda: Exactly. It's a blessing now that you have had those experiences, because it really does help to shine a light on a lot of different pathways, and how people can get on the wrong roads.

G: It seems to have a seed of light in it, but the problem is it starts going off and you don't notice it's going off. So, it gets pulled further, and further and further away from the light. It gets skewed. It sounds like in the beginning it has the potential for beneficial things ... in the beginning ... and some of it would be beneficial to some degree, but then you get to where it starts to go off, and the further you go, the more off it is.

Siddhananda: It will. Exactly. I think for those souls that come in that are vulnerable and lost, and impressionable, it can really take them on the wrong journey. It's just something to put out there for people to just sit with and look into. That's all.


  1. Namaste, interesting. Knowing this path and Guruji, what is spoken here is reliable. Good that it is put out there. Hopefully some who are giving consideration to going down the path of Scientology are positively influenced from this post. Thank you for posting it.

  2. Namaste. Good to know information. Was never into that other path....but still...good info. Thank you for that. Om shanti.

  3. Namaste. Glad this message came through for humanity about the dangers of following pathways that lead to bondage and fear instead of freedom such as scientology. It's good they're choosing a purer path now and have the blessing of COS as the move forward. om shanti

  4. Namaste it's nice to know the spirit has it's bars dissolving... May all who are on a fear-based path find clarity!

  5. Namaste/\ i just watched the actress, Leah Remini's interview about this the other day too on 20/20. It's good to have honest, first hand information so people are better able to discern what is being offered rather than listening to off the cuff remarks by those with no understanding of what exactly takes place within a group or religion. It's telling when a group becomes secretive and alienates its members from society or society from it. It's also telling when hate, distrust, fear is a theme. For what is beneficial and truly from that Divine Essence, the Light of Love, Peace and Joy will always shine. May All who seek the Truth have the eyes to see and the ears to hear /\

  6. Namaste, the fear based things don't sound nice at all. hope this message reaches those that are stuck in them. OM

  7. Namaste- Interesting insight into scientology and it's inner workings..Om

  8. Namaste - Very interesting since I do have an keen interest with the extra terrestrial life out there... This does shine a light on some of the stuff I came across through the years... Thank You Gurji!!

  9. Namaste, Interesting information. Thank you.
