Thursday, November 12, 2015

Breaking Through

Siddhananda: (holding a pink stone) Another not so fluffy pink thing, I guess (laughing).

G:  (laughing out loud).. I mean a pink stone but I’m not fluffy pink.

Siddhananda: Yeah… exactly… They appear to be a substantial spirit again. I guess this one sounds like they've been really connected with nature and that's mostly how they've done their path…

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: …watching those changing elements in nature and things and kind of ready to move forward and… Sam or something maybe is this one's [name], this energy's name and … like I say connected with the nature elements…

G: Hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: …and drawn out a little from all that, I guess, outward… not really been able to… I guess, maybe externalized too much, I don't know… but, something about unifying again and maybe seeking to have some kind of piercing, cutting… He wants some of the cutting energy to really cut through whatever is there that's maybe keeping him bound to… he's not really sure, sounds like…

G: Hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: But, he'd like to break through… it sounds like he's not sure what's there that's holding him back.

G: Yeah, if he wants to break through, then my suggestion is the Morning Mantras. 

Siddhananda: He just feels so happy with that… like almost I’m seeing a sword like he wanted something sharp like he doesn't want to wait with anything…

G: Yeah… all the Kali mantras and the Morning Mantras… the Kali mantras would aid him with that. 

Siddhananda: He's saying that's why he chose the fluffy stone but he was hoping… that's his way of saying…

Spirit: I don't want any of the fluff, I just want to cut. I want to burn. I want to get done.

G: Right, you want the cutting then that’s… (smiling affirmatively)

Siddhananda: Okay… he's ready… he's ready.

G: Those would be the ones to do that.

Siddhananda: I do see Kali and a sword…

Spirit: I’m so ready. I’m so ready. Thank you!


  1. Namaste- Kali's sword is a blessing for sure..Om

  2. Namaste. Kali sword hah! Glad he moved on. Sounds like he sure did. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. Namaste - yes indeed the kali mantras and Morning Mantras would really cut through for this being!

  4. Namaste,
    Moving right along, happy for him.

  5. Namaste. Good to see that he's ready for the Morning Mantras. What good fortune to receive them! om

  6. Namaste.. Kali's sword is definitely a blessing in the form of Morning mantras... Nice reminder to cut through it all.. om

  7. Namaste, interesting to see the prescription for kali mantras, thank you for posting this

  8. Namaste, Ripeness it is....

