Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Stay Centered

Siddhananda: (showing a light pink, little gumdrop stone) They are saying that they are like a little pink princess.

G: (giggling) What's our pink princess up to today?

Siddhananda: I do see a little pink ballerina type of soul there, on their toes with the shoes, ... it's always so cool the way they do that ... but they're doing it well! They're dancing. I don't know. I used to have this little thing as a kid, just a little ballerina [on her toes], and when you turned the thing, it would spin.

G: Oh, yeah, they spin.

Siddhananda: ... and they're spinning [like that]. They are saying that the spinning is good and is the way for them. I see the energy like the Dervish, the way they spin, and it's just a cosmic kind of dance for them. Okay, so what else? What do you have to bring to us today, questions or messages? (Closing her eyes as the upper body moves in circular motion) I'm kind of spinning with them. I'm just hearing, "I spin."

G: (moving the body in rapid circular motion with a kid-like grin) I spin, I spin, I spin, I spin ... (laughing)!

Siddhananda: (breaking out in laughter) You know, it's like those toys you [wind up], and so, I'm kind of going ... (demonstrating the spinning motion and looking a bit dizzy). So, "I spiinn." Okay, why spinning? God, they're spinning so fast all of a sudden. Sooo fast!

G: Like a top.

Siddhananda: Yeah! Exactly. It's moving a little bit, almost like a ... (moving her index finger very rapidly in a spiral motion). What's that thing in nature? Sometimes I can't get my words, but it spins like a funnel ... a tornado, or something (closing her eyes).

G: Tornado, mmm hmm.

Siddhananda: So, it's sort of slowly ... (using her hands to show how this tornado-like spinning is moving in one direction, then the other, and then coming to the center) ... begins to come into balance a little bit.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: It's interesting ... I can just feel it (swaying very slightly from side to side like someone balancing on a tight wire). Okay, it is slowing down. It's coming into balance. Maybe, then now it can speak a little.

G: (chuckling) Yeah, that would help!

Siddhananda: Jeez! Thanks for taking us on the spinning journey. I'm getting a little dizzy here (smiling with amusement).

Spirit: I spin to show that there is ... (long pause).

G: There's what?

Siddhananda: They're spinning to show the more transient nature of things in life.

G: It comes and goes, comes and goes, ... cycles, cycles ... comes and goes in cycles.

Siddhananda: Yeah, circular, right. That was some quick spinning, though, and then there's this balance. Once that spinning in the mind stops, there's this balance. It just comes into this perfect balance (closing her eyes). I'm not getting a whole lot more than that.

G: Well, maybe they just came to show where they're at of when they spin, they come into balance. You know, it doesn't knock them off of balance. They have to stay in that center point when they're spinning. 

Siddhananda: Well, for her, and for ballerinas and things, they do.

G: Yeah, they stay in that center, and the body spins. If you can find that still point in the midst of that spinning, you'll stay centered. 

Siddhananda: I would think the dance of the Dervish as well. They are never off balance.

G: Exactly. Stuff comes and goes, the transient in nature, but find that still point in midst of it, and like a gyroscope, it spins.

Siddhananda: Well, thanks for bringing some clarity with that, Guruji, because I'm still a little dizzy.

G: (laughing)


  1. Haha! Nice message. As all are here. Very nice! Still point is great to find. Hope we all do sooner then later. Thank you. Omm

  2. The still point can always be - regardless of the happenings in life - thank you for the message

  3. Namaste, thank you for this message. OM

  4. Namaste Great piece on the importance of staying centered thank you!

  5. very nice imagery with a nice flavour to it..Om

  6. Namaste .. Coming back to the center of the spin.. especially mind spins, and the transient in life.. Great pointing towards holding one's center no matter what be the spins one is faced with.. Thank you for this message. OM

  7. Namaste, interesting spin on things! ;-)

  8. Namaste, Nice pointing to the point of stillness. Thank you.
