Wednesday, November 4, 2015

One Heart

G:  ... and the last (holding a stone up to the camera lens).

Siddhananda: (singing) The last one ... bumm dada buummm! There it is (having fun smiling and laughing)!

G:  It's kind of translucent, not all transparent, but a nice translucent stone. 

Siddhananda:  Alright, so we'll get the last one in.

G:  The last one for today (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Well, its an interesting image of corn and earth ... like a maize.

G:  Yes, maize.

Siddhananda:  I do see other Mexican imagery, and it’s nice. I feel the area ... the smell of the earth and the wonderfull food. So, my feeling is it’s more of a message that, even through this Mexican imagery, there’s that one ... that one heart. Even though it might feel like this is from this area, or this is from that area, and that is from another area, there is just that center.

G:  It all comes from the same place ... same heart.

Siddhananda:  They don't have questions. They're just wanting to reflect that. I think that was about it. That was nice (placing her hand on the heart). Nothing more than that.

G:  Very good. A nice simple message. Yes, it's the same no matter where we are.


  1. nice simple message, thank you for transcribing this

  2. Namaste, thank you for the message. All appreciated. Om

  3. I don't know how you guys find these images....but they are perfect in reflecting the written message. Thank you :-)

  4. Namaste. beautiful message of all within the one heart of being. OM

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Namaste- Very nice imagery with words of truth..Om

  7. Namaste, Thank you for this simple message.
